Welcome to Pat's Place soon to be populated with all sorts of links that will keep you comin' back for more. Please take into consideration that I do not have very much experience as of yet creating web pages and some of this stuff may not be the way I feel it should (this is actually a test). So you have just become a lab rat.


Oh ya:
You should be Java compatiblefor my page


Hey,why don't you call someone you know who lives far away and has a computer and tell 'um to go to my Personal Chat Room

The Quote

[You will need a Java capable browser to view this applet] 

The info and graphics on this on this page is of a very personal nature and most of it is intended for my friends and relaitives. However, if you are interested in more information and would like to E-Mail me I can be reached at:



Who am I? (Who are you?)

This is my familyCalle  Hobbes

What is my job?

You can download a copy of my resume in pdf format here. You will need to downloadAdobe Acrobat Reader to see it though.
...or see the online version by clicking here. 

here are some examples of my work

Here are some tips on how to use PhotoShop and other apps. PhotoShop and other apps.

Read some informative liturature from K.C. Mosier II

Links to my friends


Oh, by the way, Praise the Lord Jesus Christ - Our Savior (should be @ the top)

Exactly  people have had nothing better to do than look at my page!!

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