QST Magazine - Interesting Items Concerning Public Safety

April 1999

TN tornado - "we (hams) were it (for radio comms)" - all other ?public safety off the air?

?TN tornado - EMA lost repeater - ham repeater OK

?ARK tornado - Beebe Amb lost transmit antenna - ham radios       OK

best batteries for radios

Y2K problems for hams - most radios should be OK but NO ONE      really knows what will happen


May 2000 QST

page 73 - hams help when 2 F16s collide at Vermont, Illinois

pg 68 - US Appeals Court Upholds RF Exposure Regs

pg 60 - review of Kenwood TM-D700A Dual-Band FM Mobile Transceiver

pg 56 - fold-down mobile antenna mount fashioned from a three position boat trailer jack

pg 54 - a no-tune 2 meter bandpass filter cuts out intermod

pg 42 - PSK31 Year 2000 Update

pg 39 - Improving the Hamtronics R139 VHF WX Sateliite Receiver Interface

pg 37 - Build a Flagpole Antenna Booster - 10 minute project can help you elevate the status of a simple VHF ground plane antenna - perfect for public service

pg 24 - LTE - ULS and Privacy

pg 28 - Operating in the UK - inputs, outputs, and simplex all on 145Mhz - inputs, outputs, and simplex channels all on 433Mhz and 434Mhz - there are 16 repeater output channels on 433Mhz - there are 8 repeater output channels on 145Mhz - .025Mhz spacing on 145Mhz changing to .0125Mhz spacing as of 30 June 00 in order to provide more repeater channels


I have ?Nov2000 QST at fireradio - get it

Updated - 13Dec00 - added May 2000 QST