by Peter Szerlag - May 29, 1999

I am not A doctor. I am not 2 doctors. I am not 3 doctors. Etc.

May 29, 1999

Recently, Doctor Dean Edell ran a segment on his radio talk show about cleaning out people's arteries. He was saying that there is evidence that some low fat diet could unplug peoples arteries. I will try to track down some more info on this.

May 29, 1999

I just looked at Dr Dean Edell's website at www.healthcentral.com. If you look under "Conditions" and choose "Heart and Circulation", you will see a couple of interesting articles about his latest thoughts on heart attacks. I did not see the info about the special low fat diet for reducing clogging in arteries, but there a couple of articles about "Fat versus Thin" and "Salad Dressings".

I think that some people will tell you that cayenne pepper can unclog arteries, but I think that I have also read that real hot spices like cayenne can cause a serious heart attack. Kind of like a "Good News / Bad News" kind of thing!

July 14, 1999 - This you will not want to read. I believe that there was a huge Federal study done about 10 years ago that showed that Seventh Day Adventists were the healthiest people in the USA. Seventh Day Adventists do not eat meat, do not smoke, do not do drugs, and apparently that makes them healthy. (They do not dance nor wear jewelry either.)

June 17, 1999 - report from Channel 2000 - aspirin and ?isobufrin may kill as many people as AIDS in the USA - article soon in ?AMA Journal or New England Journal of Medicine

6/99 - there is some new therapy for clearing clogged heart arteries involving a drug which is activated by light - the light is transmitted via a ?fiber optic strand into a coronary artery

July 4, 1999 - some health care people use chelation therapy to clean out clogged arteries. This involves giving specific mineral complexes via IV. (Chelation is a Greek based word - "the claw" - it refers to molecules that can grab onto other molecules).

Rancidity of fats and the cross polymerization of fats are 2 subjects which you do not hear too much about. Generally speaking, rancid fats and trans fatty acids/fats are not good for you. This means - fats that have been hydrogenated (hydrogen gases are bubbled thru them) and rancid fats (old, stale, burnt, etc). Sorry - I do not have more details. Bottom line - fresh and natural foods are probably better for your heart and arteries than highly modified foods.

Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids are very important and often missing from the American diet. The best sources are flax seeds, borage oil, linseed oil. How much you wanna bet that 10 years from now everyone is slapping their forehead and saying "Dooh - we forgot to tell them about the fatty acids!"


July 9, 1999 - study released today says that drinking 1 or more cups of black tea daily might be able to reduce the risks of heart attacks by 44% - flavanoids in the tea are the suspected item of interest - they prevent clotting of blood and are antioxidants - the study involved 680 people - dont forget the primary ways of preventing heart attacks : eat fruits and veggies, dont smoke, cut fat intake, ?drink red wine.

Followup to previous item - 8/3/99 - I heard a doctor on BBC Radio News saying that in the 1980s that the Scottish had the highest coronary rate in the world and they always drank a lot of tea - (maybe they were drinking the wrong tea or preparing it wrong - a wee bit too much Scotch in their tea perhaps)


July 9, 1999 - Reportedly your susceptibility to viral infections is increased by 50% if you only sleep 6 hours per nite - (also known as "not getting enuff sleep") - I wonder if there is a viral component to heart attacks - dentists will tell you that there is a bacterial component.


July 12, 1999 - I am sure that everyone can understand the analogy of the human body to a fine automobile - if you dont use the best fuel and fluids, you are going to have trouble - if you do not repair any broken major components, then you are going to have problems even if you use the best fuels and lubricants - if you drive at excessive sppeds on bad roads then you will hit a tree or drive off a cliff. (Broken major components can include allergic reactions in the intestines, weak liver and gallbladder activity, faulty kidney function, lack of enzyme excretion by the stomach lining, etc.) One major difference between a person and a car in this analogy is that a human can repair itself - an auto can't do that (yet). If you use the best fuels, then it is easier for the body to repair itself - right?

You might want to look at www.nutritionfarm.com (good info on rancid fats), www.healthyawareness.com, and www.eduzone.com (more info on rancid fats).

Paul Harvey was recently talking about a study that said that chest pains in a 40ish female are very serious and not taken seriously enough by most people.


December 4, 1999 - several firefighters have died on duty from cardiac arrest recently. On Natl Public Radio on 12/3/99 around 1215 EST, author ?Supolski of Stamford University was talking about his book - "Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers". It is amazing how many detrimental bodily functions are activated on a daily basis by stress. Walking was listed as a good source of stress reduction if I remember correctly. People should check out this 1998 book. (Single people who are pessimistic were at a higher risk of health problems.)

The Grieving Behind The Badge Website

The Effects of Testosterone on Health

Firefighter Health Info from the Los Angeles City Fire Department


Education, tests improve heart attack survival Dr. Ian Smith - A new study found that the more education you have, the better your chances of surviving a heart attack. A second study found that a series of three tests can better detect heart attacks. http://www.msnbc.com/local/wnbc/1015279.asp (this item also says that living alone is not a significant risk factor)(the 3 tests are EKG + 2 blood tests - many more victims are aided by running all 3 tests rather than just a EKG)


Sex Can Reduce Heart Attack Risk - Study Also Finds Sex Reduces Stroke Risk

LONDON, England, Updated 6:00 p.m. EST November 28, 2000

Engaging in even non-vigorous sex may be enough to significantly reduce your risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke, according to a BBC News report. The new study, presented at the World Stroke Congress in Australia, found that men having three or four orgasms a week actually cut their risk of having a major heart attack or stroke in half.

Researchers from England's University of Bristol interviewed 2,400 men from the same town, asking them how often they had sex. Ten years later, the men were checked to see how many had suffered strokes or heart attacks. Results found that even non-strenuous sexual activity proved beneficial.

"In the past, we though it had to be activity at least three times a week and lasting 20 minutes or longer, causing sweatiness and being out of breath ... That's quite vigorous activity. Most men of course think it's sex, which most women think lasts only a few minutes and isn't nearly as sustained as that," said Professor Shah Ebrahim, the study's lead researcher. The men in the ongoing survey have also yielded vital clues to the relationship between diet and smoking and heart disease.

Doctors do not recommend strenuous exercise following a heart attack, but they say that mild to moderate exercise can be helpful. Sexual activity can resume, on average, as soon as a few weeks after a patient suffers a heart attack, provided that they are capable of walking a few hundred yards or climbing a flight of steps without getting out of breath or suffering chest pain, according to Alison Shaw, a cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation. "The risk of suffering a heart attack during sex is very small," she said.


Updated - 28Nov00 - sex