Here is me, just after graduating from the GCC Law Enforcement Training Academy,
I've since moved to another agency.
Kim was born in December 1995. This is the one thing that allowed us to get any relaxation in at all....a battery powered swing.
These are the feline occupants of our house. Needless to say, we don't have any problems with rodents!
Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Page
The National Rifle Association ( I'm a life member )
The GUNS FAQ ( a good starting point )
Arizona Police Officers Standards and Training Board
CopNet Police Resource List
Phoenix Police Dept. Silent Witness
Maricopa County Sheriff's Office
9th Circut Court of Appeals
The HIT LEO links
Sig Sauer Home Page
Hollowpoint Firearms Resource Directory
Right to Keep and Bear Arms( Lots O links!)
The DEAD skydivers page
Arizona Shooting Sport
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