Canadian Flag



Or tales of a country-slicker in the big smoke.

I think I'll need a COFFEE ..

Bill the cat So let's find some! Quick!..

Don't Panic!

---------------------------------- Garfield

The Coffee a GoGo has some. Coffee pot

Sit down, pour us one and we'll try to explore these sites together. While we're sipping, you might like to check out: Blue Mountain Coffee
Or the Caffeine Archive



" Some days it just doesn't seem worth it to gnaw through the straps and get out of bed in the morning."


I like SCUBA diving, so.. ---------------------------------------------------------
Possibly you'll find what you want at a neighbour, Mr. Scuba

My first love!
Glider Picture Finally, some aviation stuff!!
The Vancouver Soaring Association Blanik L-13 over Hope, B.C.(YHE)

For this and other links to Flying Stuff click on it.

A Story (Of small bits of the Solar System.)
Mainbox Monster Letter Animation. E-Mail suggestions?

Weather Stuff will let you see more of what I deal with each day.

Or lots of weather for the world with USA today.

Check out the Seattle Weather Radar from Camano Island.
Or try the Aldergrove Weather Radar
or try 10 day outlook for North America.
Or the alternative 10 day site at U. of Wyoming
Or the 6 day forecast for North America from Europe
Or 30 days (15 past, 15 future) animation of northern hemisphere weather patterns at N hemisphere animation
The Eta 36hr jet
Or the Nogaps jetstream.

48hr media map

CLIMATE data from C.M.C. for your Canadian area.
Or up to the minute observations and 4+ years of records at

Environment Canada has another site with lots of stuff on it at Weather.
Look at C.M.C.'s Graphical FA's

If you like free stuff,you can check out The FREE-stuff listing at infoseek.
OR Cool Freebie Links.
More free stuff at The Daily Freebie

Or what's almost as good as free, COUPONS at

Try looking at My

One of my favorite dj's is . Doc Haris. Now at CKNW with his own web-page and domain!! Click his name to see!

Or see Dr. Laura's homepage.
Or Dr. Mirkin

Take a look at B.C. FERRIES

Check out a Quote a day

"You are the number "" Visitor since August 10 1997.

To learn to upholster look at
Or to learn almost anything, check out

Or how about do-it-yourself help

video: Multi-active or ..... The Antarctic!
Or try BC Highways.
Or the blurry Yellow pages.
Or look at the Coastal Web-cams from a neighbour.
Or the Internal site. Sorry, you can't get this from outside.

Another thing you can't get from outside, is Weather Loops
And you can't get Weather for this part, but you can see other things on the site.
Or Mount Washington, Vancouver Island weather at
Or Manning Park Resort

Search engines:
Lots of them or
| Alta Vista | | Yahoo | | Infoseek | |Ask Jeeves | | Lycos | | Excite | | nlsearch | |webcrawler | | | | Hotbot |

Or people searching at Bigfoot

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e-mail Bonilla

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