Netherlands, February 2008

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Me and Ellie on the balcony of our room at the Sonadome in Nijmegen.

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The pool at the Sonadome. When they aren't about to close this place is usually crawling with Dutch chics

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Me and the gang at dinner in Eindhoven. That is my good friend Henk to my left.

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Our last day at the Sonadome. Goodbye pool...

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This was on the toilets at one place we visited. I will make this into stickers for our toilets at home.

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The Amsterdam city centrum. Our hotel wasn't quite this nice.

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We were looking for a place to eat. This was my vote but unfortunately the others wanted food.

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We didn't eat here either.

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A disappointed me at dinner because this place wasn't themed like 'Teasers'.

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This was my Valentine's Day present from my wife - only she doesn't know it yet.

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And a little souvenir shopping afterwards...

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