Germany and France, Fall 2007

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View of some river in some small town where we spent a night on the French/German border. Furtuantely I was neither driving nor navigating, or awake for that matter.

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The entrance to the Louvre in Paris - I thought it was the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame. We were gonna go in but when we heard they didn't have "Elvis on Velvet" or even "Dogs Playing Poker" we realized the French didn't know fine art like us Americans.

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Me hanging by the Eiffel Tower. That Eiffel musta had some Erector Set. I'm not really gargantuan - the tower is bigger than it looks.

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View looking into the Eiffel's structure as we started the climb by stairs to the second level. They wouldn't let us scale the exterior of the tower so we had to take the elevator from the second level to the top.

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Me trying to look 'not afraid of heights' around these cute French chics. After being slapped a few times I figured apparently the French really don't like Americans.

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View looking some direction from the top. I don't know what anything is.

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View across the river of the Grand Palais, at least that's what the map said.

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Me in front of some surely famous building, I think the non-glass end of the Grand Palais. I'm pretty sure it's not a McDonald's. Actually, we didn't see a McDonald's all day which was kinda disappointing because I was lookin' to drop 10€ for a 79¢ burger.

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Me in front of the Notre Dame de Paris... "If we hurry I think we can sneak in with that tour group."

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Picture inside the Cathedral. I'm not sure pictures are allowed but luckily I don't understand any French. The number of this picture really is 6666 - kinda scarey. Luckily I made a sizeble donation on the way out.

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Me in the garden outside the Cathedral. I can't think of anything funny to say - I know, you're thinkin' "that other crap was supposed to be funny?".

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This is my 3D puzzle of the famous structure. Usually I like to visit a place then build the puzzle but this was a gift from my Mom several years back. I'm still waiting for them to issue a puzzle of the Playboy mansion so I can visit that next although I probably won't be getting that as a gift from Mom.

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A picture of the Paris Hilton, for reasons that should be obvious.

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We were outta money hours earlier, but hung around to see the lights come on.

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A view of La Grande Roue - you can't tell from the photo but at this point we're cold, wet, and penniless.

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Back in Nuremberg, Germany on last evening before returning home.

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Three of the guys celebrated a successful trip with Cuban cigars. I took their word they were 'really good'.

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Here I am where the beer is made. Fortunately I didn't mistake it for the bathroom.

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This is an early steam powered generator used at the brewery and preserved in the restaraunt. They start it for a few minutes every night at 10:00, which for me was about 3 beers after dinner. Pretty cool but I think a modern "D" battery probably makes more electricity.

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