Radio Shack TRS-80 FP-215
Flatbed Plotter Info

fp215 fp215



The FP-215 is flatbed pen plotter was originally intended for use Radio Shack's TRS-80 computers around the early 80's. I seem to remember the original price was around $1000 but they clearanced for $100 around 1985. I wasn't lucky enough to get one at that time but traded for one almost 10 years later. My original intent was to use it for making printed circuit boards (drawing directly on PCB stock using a resist pen) but this didn't really work out. It's primary use has been for paper modelling - the flat bed allows plotting directly on heavy paper (posterboard) which can then be cut, folded, and glued.

Electrically, the FP-215 is compatible with modern pc's (at least the parallel port - I'm not sure about the serial port) - but there are problems with software and plotting pens. This web page mostly covers my solutions to these issues.

FP-215 Links:


The native plotting language of the FP-215 is quite simple - I call it RSGL (Radio Shack Graphics Language for lack of a better term). The best way to control the FP-215 is to use a utility (filter) to convert from some well supported graphics language, such as HPGL, to RSGL.

As mentioned, RSGL is pretty simple - the only necessary commands are Move (move with pen up) and Draw (move with pen down).

I don't know much about HPGL but I'm sure it's more complicated and capable than RSGL - but ultimately, the plotter's job is to draw on the paper so any plotter command stream can in principle be converted to a sequence of Move and Draw commands. In addition, there's nothing that says an application or driver has to use the full capability of HPGL and if the application or driver uses only (the equivalent of) moves and draws the conversion from HPGL to RSGL can be trivial. In fact, the AutoCAD HP7550A plotter driver seems to use only Moves and Draws (AutoCAD is essentially the only application I use with the FP-215 although others are possible - Windows for example has an HP7550A print driver although I don't know how restrictive a subset of HPGL it uses).

HPGL uses PenUp (PU), PenDown (PD), and PenAt (PA) commands - a Move is a PenAt with the pen up, a Draw is a PenAt with the pen down.


RSplot is a conversion utility written in C. It supports only the PU, PD. PA, and SP (SelectPen) commands. Multiple pens are supported by generating an output file per pen - this allows the FP-215's pen to be manually changed between colors. RSplot can be easily extended to include additional HPGL commands as needed but these four simple commands are sufficient to convert AutoCAD HPGL plot files.

RSplot was written for DOS and compiled using PowerC. It should be easy to port to other environments. Download the RSplot package here.


drawRSGL is a small Gtk-Perl script for Linux derived from drawHPGL (an HPGL previewer by Henry Palonen). For more info on drawRSGL see the drawRSGL page. See the Sample Plots section for additonal screen shots.

Service Information

This beast was built to be serviced and is amazingly simple to open. The case is a clamshell design, hinged in the back. There are only two screws that need removed and the upper half lifts up like the hood of a car - there is even a prop rod inside to hold it open.

Sample Plots

Click here to download RSGL examples. These files can be plotted directly on an FP-215 (for example, under DOS 'COPY file.PLX LPT1:').

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