Welcome to this Home Page by

Sunday Popo-Ola

Hello and welcome to this home page, which is still under construction. Watch this space if you are interested in Facade or Cladding Engineering If you don't know what Facade or Cladding Engineering is about, have a look at the front of a building and ask yourself "How does that wall of glass stay up there?" THAT is what this sort of engineering is all about: getting the face of the building to stay attached. A facade is not just about good looks! You need lots of "character" too! If you are wondering about my name, well you may have guessed that I was born on a Sunday. If you think about it, it's not so unusual: Placido Domingo in English is, after all, Peaceful Sunday. Anyway, this page will be up and running soon with things to capture your imagination and interest you in my wonderful world of facade engineering.

Links to other sites on the Web

Imperial College (IC)
Civil Eng. Dept. IC
The Steel Construction Institute, UK

Check back in a week and you will not believe your eyes!

© 1996 s.popoola@imperial.ac.uk

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