Masonic Leadership Center

The Masonic Leadership Center welcomes you to its Research Group's Home Page.
The purpose of the Masonic Leadership Center Research Group (MLCRG) is to create an INTERNET forum for Masons world wide to share in common research areas. As the research group develops and expands, different interest groups will be formed (click here to obtain the current research groups listing) . The MLCRG was originally developed to help the Masonic Leadership Center do research and collect information on leadership that the world's Masonic jurisdictions and Masons have developed.
Any Mason can participate in the MLCRG. Currently there is no cost to our services (however a donation to the Masonic Leadership Center would be appreciated but is not required). But you will need to register with us in order to share in our ON-LINE meetings (we want you to register so that only Masons participate in the in-line meetings, we want to keep the anti-masons out of our conversations - remember what happens in alt.freemasonry).
The OUTSTANDING benefit of registering with the MLCRG is that we will be holding regular meetings on the .
FREEMASONS - please complete the MLCRG World Wide Survey of Freemasons. We will post the data as it comes into us. Please help the jurisdictions around the world. They will be able to use this information to discover some valuable information about us Electronic-Masons!
The results of the SURVEY SO FAR are available
Click here for the survey
Click here for the survey results
What's New at the MLCRG???
Leadership focus groups! An INTERNET SEMINAR.
"Ask and it shall be given you. Seek and yee shall find. Knock and it shall be opened to you." (Book of Mathew, Chapter 7 verse 7)
If you want to enter the MLCRG and participate with us then knock "by clicking" on our door.
Click here for Masonic Book Reviews
Click here for Internet Seminars, Animated Cursors, ON-LINE Conferences
Hiram's Web Ring Code
MLCRG Award Code
Bes of the Web Award Winners
Click here to see the awards given to this page!!
You can see OUR RESEARCH AND MORE by clicking on the door above
or you can click right here
The Masonic Leadership Center is located in the George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia, USA. The MLC is sponsered by the Philalethes Society.
The image of George Washington was obtained from Microsoft's Encarta 96 Encyclopedia.
Masonic Leadership Center Research Group
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