What is the difference between Julia sets and the Mandelbrot set?
Julia sets are strictly connected with the Mandelbrot set. The iterative function that is used to produce
them is:
In order to draw a picture of the Mandelbrot set, we iterate the formula for each point C of the complex
plane and we always start with
When making a picture of a Julia set, C remains fixed during the whole generation process, while the value of
Z0 varies. The value of C determines the shape of the Julia set: in other words, each point of the
complex plane is associated with a particular Julia set.
Pick a point on the complex plane (let's call it C). The corresponding complex number has the form:
In order to see if Z belongs to the set, we must iterate the function
Note that while the Mandelbrot set is connected (i.e. it is a single piece), a Julia set is connected only if
it is associated with a point inside the Mandelbrot set. This is just one example of the relationships between
the Mandelbrot set and Julia sets.
Example: the Julia set associated with C1 is connected; the Julia set
associated with C2 is not connected (see image below).
The method used to produce Julia sets is the same used for the Mandelbrot set. If the
distance of the point from the origin becomes greater than two, we are sure that it will grow without limit.
Therefore, if this distance reaches the value of two, we can stop the iteration process, because we know that
the point will go to infinity, and we can paint it according to the number of iterations performed (a large
number of iterations means that the point is slowly going to infinity). If the point belongs to
the Julia set, its distance from the origin will never become greater than two, no matter how many iterations
we do. Even if the point does not belong to the Julia set, it could take a really huge number of iterations to
reveal that it is attracted by infinity. In either case, we set a maximum number of iterations, after which we
assume it is part of the set (and we paint it black).
The more iterations we use, the more detailed our image will be, but the longer it will take to generate.
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