What are complex numbers?
The Mandelbrot set is the domain of convergence of the series built up by the complex sequence
defined by the recursion law:
If you are familiar with complex numbers, you can skip this section. If you haven't encountered
complex numbers during your studies, don't worry! In order to learn what they are and how to
use them to build fractals you only need some simple concepts.
A complex number is made by two parts: the real part and the imaginary part. The real part is a
real number (i.e. an ordinary number), the imaginary part is another real number multiplied by i,
which is called the imaginary unit and is defined as the square root of -1, so that
Now imagine a plane with two coordinate axes on it. We can associate each point of the plane with a complex
number of the form:
We need to define some operations to deal with complex numbers:
Adding two complex numbers is very simple. Let's take two complex numbers:
In order to multiply Z1 by Z2 we only need to remember the distributive law and
the equation
Example (with the values above):
In particular, the square of a complex number (i.e. the complex number multiplied by itself) is:
Don't forget this formula, because we'll use it to build Mandelbrot and Julia sets.
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