Welcome to the Mirror site of

Sci-Quest Journal

Sci-Quest is a bimonthly publication of the

Science Subcommittee

American University of Beirut


Click here to view sample issues of Sci-Quest

If you want to visit the original site of Sci-Quest please press below


Please not that the mirror site may be updated independently and more frequently than the original site

Your contributions in the following areas are more than welcome:

  1. Writing articles.
  2. Suggesting topics.
  3. Sending / Suggesting interesting articles for re-print.
  4. Suggesting/ Sending books for review.
  5. Networking.
  6. Suggestions for improvement, circulation, etc....

Here are a few of the people you can contact if you are interested in contributing to the Journal




Bassam Tabshouri

Souheil Hakim

Wissam Ali-Ahmad

This page has been visited for times since September 28, 1997

Last updated by Ghazi Omar Tadmouri: November 10, 1999

For any suggestions please feel free to mail : tadmouri@boun.edu.tr

For more information about me visit the Tripoli Lebanon Website personal home page

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