Welcome to Jon's first attempt at a web page.

It's springtime here at the Jersey Shore.
Here are a few pictures and notes about me.
Let's have a great Year 2000.

This is a picture of me by the Potomac River in Alexandria, VA. The main purpose is to show that I appear quite normal in real life, I think.
I was there for a
Nields show. If you're not familiar, that's one of my favorite bands.

Speaking of music, don't miss the funniest
singer-songwriter you'll ever hear,
Deirdre Flint

Last June I took a trip to Colorado and Utah for some whitewater rafting. It was tremendous. Here's a picture of me at the top of the canyon along the Yampa River. It's so beautiful...the pictures don't do it  justice. I'd recommend a Sierra Club Outing if you like outdoor travel. Great people, and nobody smokes or litters.

I had so much fun on the trip, that I'll post another picture.
This shows the ancient rock drawings we saw on a hike around Echo Park, UT. You can just about make some of them out.

If you want to hang around with me, you have to like airplanes. I fly a Mooney 201.  That's my airplane  below. This picture was taken over the Wasatch mountains near Provo, UT. Come flying with me some day...

I''m a licensed Commercial Pilot and Flight Instructor, but mostly I fly for fun. If you're in the area and want to take a lesson, just write to me.

Look at my Aviation Page for more airplane stuff.

Well,  we all have to work, right?
I'm a physician at 
Shore Memorial, a community hospital in Southern New Jersey, between Atlantic City and Ocean City.

Thanks for visiting my site.
Let me know what you think of it.

You can send me an
e-mail right from this page.


E-mail Jon

Where's Jon?
Click here for a map.

Last modified 3/28/00