A hanging roller coaster is one who's track is above the train rather than below it. Inverted coasters are ones in which the legs hang free below the train. Other hanging roller coasters have cars in which the legs are covered that hang from the track. Both types give you a sensation completely unlike that of any other coaster; the feeling of flight. A shoulder harness is used on both kinds of these coasters, as well as a belt on the inverted ones. Now strap in, hang on, and enjoy the ride!!!
For information and pictures about a certain roller coaster, click on it's name.
Hanging Coasters and Coastin' Chris are TM and Copyright 1997 Aaron Maurer. Any use of their repective logos or pictures without my permission is ILLEGAL! Thanks to Evan Buchanan for letting me use his T2 logo!
Information may be subject to change. Death of Site: 8/15/98
Site Created by Aaron Maurer
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