Hantarto Widjaja's Homepage (Revival)
This homepage is dedicated to God.
Welcome back! It's been some time that my homepage was down, but now it's alive again.
I've renewed my English-Indonesian dictionary, it has now more than 19,800 words and I use text file now,
so that you can easily manipulate it.
You can download here (342k). Use WINZIP.EXE to unpack the
This dictionary is designed to help us (Indonesian) reading
English literatures, so I omit simple words that everybody
usually knows. You may modify it to meet your needs. It's for free.
It's for end user only, not commercial. You can distribute this
file to everybody who needs it.
Some ideas:
- music : fast trransposing technique
- Hovering Vehiclle & Gravitation (popular article)
- Electronic PPaper (Merging between Traditional Publishing & e-Publishing)
e-mail : hantarto@gmail.com