Vistors since 12/20/98:


World-Cruising Cutter


For the truth is that I already know as much about my fate as I need to know. The day will come when I will die. So the only matter of consequence before me is what I will do with my alloted time. I can remain on shore, paralyzed with fear, or I can raise my sails and dip and soar in the breeze.

- Richard Bode, First you have to row a little boat

Well, That's exactly what we did! - Acknowledging the potential of declining health, we sold our house, packed up the kids and just DID it for 3+ years!! But now, we've finally faced the inevitability of SYRINX's sale some day.. She is not meant to grace a slip, nor day-cruise the Indian River any longer - She is meant to seek new seas under her ample bow! But, my Angina is not improving, my Polio weaknesses are returning with a vengance, (A nasty condition known as Post-Polio Syndrome (PPS)..), both Kids are grown and I'm pushin' 60, with a recent quadruple bypass operation!!

Now, all that normally wouldn't stop me, but my Wife's Diabetes (she's now on an Insulin pump), and my various "conditions", including Polio's cold-intolerance, coupled with the Cardiac Heat-intolerance have kinda pointed us towards the proverbial "swallowing of the anchor" frame of mind. ;-(

SYRINX was, and is, extremely seakindly and forgiving, and if I was alone on this earth, I would move back aboard and live out my days single-handing her around the Caribbean despite my infirmities! I only thank the Lord that we had the courage to drop our nice, safe, dry, comfortable, Suburban life {G} when we DID, and didn't wait until it was "economically-prudent" to sell our house and possessions. It would never have happened, and we (nor our kids) would trade an hour of that life for all the suburban stability in the world! That is why we have procrastinated selling her, even after my Bypass Operation(s); vainly hoping that my stamina/health would re-awaken and let us cross oceans again as the kids go off to college. It is also why there is a half-ton of spares and other boat goodies in the garage that go with her.. :-) Don't get me wrong! - I (we) are not sad - We DID it, and we have memories, Slides, and Tapes to show grandchildren for YEARS! Now it's someone else's turn to build memories and complete the cirumnavigation for us that we didn't quite get around to!! :-)

So much for our on-going romance with SYRINX! Now, back to the matters at hand: :-)

I believe any cruising boat worth it's salt is MORE than Wood, Fiberglass and Stainless Steel, so bear with me whilst I tell you SYRINX's (condensed) history!!

SYRINX is a '76 WESTSAIL 32 Cutter, built in Wrightsville Beach, NC at their new facility. Hull number is 491, and she is one of the hand-laid-up series built in NC by workers who supposedly were NOT Stoned. :-) (as opposed to some CA boat workers, it is said!! {Duckin' and Runnin'...}{VBG}..)

She was built under the watchful eyes of Rick, the original owner, who literally camped on the grounds during it's custom construction. Being 6'-2", he had the sole lowered slightly and the cabintop raised slightly to accomodate his height.

With World cruising for his young family of 4 in mind, Rick also had the settee made into a permanent double berth with an additional 40-Gallon water tank underneath, and had the starboard upper bunk converted into easy-access storage lockers, while still retaining the pull-out berth beneath. Forward V-Berths remained standard, as did the head/shower area and galley.

We came to know Rick and Judy when he purchased ham gear from my radio store here in FL, and we helped them get their ham licenses. They left Cape Canaveral, went straight to Bermuda, them to the Azores and into Gibraltar. Then onward through the Med to Greece where they lived and cruised from for 3+ years. On the return trip they went to Israel, docking for an extended time in Tel Aviv and working at a Kibbutz, in fulfillment of a personal dream. From there, to the Canaries, on into the Caribbean, and back to FL over the next year.

Judy now collected HER part of the deal, and they put a deposit down on a farm in NC!! Rick seriously considered trying to keep BOTH dreams active and keep on cruising, but that was financially AND socially imprudent , and SYRINX was to be sold. Remembering that we had said "If you ever want to sell her, call us" - he DID! - and we jumped at it!

My radio store was in the process of being sold, and I closed THAT deal quickly to have the funds to own SYRINX, in fulfillment of OUR dream to cruise as a family. By that Summer of '81, we owned our dream boat, and by Mid '82, our family of 4 + a Dog and Cat and 26 hermit crabs went cruisin' the east coast and Bahamas through '85, even having 2 guests aboard for 2 months while in the Bahamas!

A flattering photo-collage of the Captain and First Mate! :)

Ye' Captain:      And ye' First Mate:

However, my Wife's illness in '85 sent us back to Boston, and SYRINX was placed in dry storage until '90, when we returned to FL to live, and recommissioned her! My Heart problem hit me hard in '92, coupled with a flare-up of my Post-Polio weaknesses, and she has not sailed as it should be since.. :-(

That is the only reason we considered parting with her.

Tom McKeever, W4NOV
ex-Rear Commodore, Seven Seas Cruising Association (SSCA)
(Past member Slocum Society, Waterway Radio and Cruising club)
POB 66
Cape Canaveral, FL 32920

NOW, The Saga of SYRINX continues!!

Chris and Crew leave Cape Canaveral on the way to Pensacola!

We had a number of folks look at SYRINX over the past 4 Months or so.. THEN we met
Chris Bachman (VO1CHD) and Sue!! - From the moment Elaine and I met them, We knew
SYRINX was about to have a new, and loving, owner.. On this page, we will chronicle,
with text, photos and audio, the continuing story of SYRINX and the next chapter of her
cruising destiny. Stay tuned.. Will be adding more to this saga as it develops. AND, more
to the historical aspect of SYRINX's tale.. :-)


New Paint scheme and Bottom Rework at Pensacola!

Tom and Elaine

Click HERE for Space Coast Weather.
Click HERE for the Current Caribbean Satellite Image
Click HERE for the National Hurricane Center!

A few favorite Links:

The Owner's Home Page
The Live-Aboard's Mailing list!
The Bahamas Home Page
U.S. Coast Guard Main page
U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center
Weather page(s)
Mark's Sailing Page (BIG!)
SAILNET Resources for Sailors
Ken Walkers FANTASTIC Sailing page!
Rick Kennerly's WOA/SSCA Sailing page!
Age of Sail - Gobs of GREAT links!!
Westsail Owners Association Info
Seven Seas Cruising Association Info
Soundings Magazine on-line!
Steve Jones' Mega-Page!
DATABOAT- Great Book, Video and Boat Plan source!
Steve Jones' Mega-Page!

Got out of town on a boat goin' to southern islands
Sailing a reach before a followin' sea
She was makin' for the trades on the outside,
And the downhill run to Papeete Bay...

When you see the Southern Cross for the first time
You understand now why you came this way
'Cause the truth you might be runnin' from is so small
But it's as big as the promise, the promise of a coming day
So I'm sailing for tomorrow, my dreams are a dyin'.....
from Southern Cross - Crosby, Stills, & Nash

You can reach me by e-mail at: Cap'n Tom .. - Contact me ALSO if you would like a page like this set up here for you and/or your boat, even if she (the BOAT, that is!) is not for sale!! :-)

My rates are VERY low, and are used to support the SPACECON/BraveHeart Disabilities/Handicapped BBS!!

(Last Modified: 19:10 PM 12/20/98)