Hello everyone!
This is Dieter Herchenbach's personal homepage as far as my work is concerned.
I'm from Freiburg, Germany, Europe (you know...)
I'm 34 years of age (well, the photograph above is not the most recent one of mine I have...)
I'm a biologist with diploma.
I'm doing my PhD studies in
I was working at the Psychiatric Clinics of the University of Freiburg.
I'm investigating the role of lithium (which is a common drug in psychiatry) in cultured microglia cells of rats.
I'm tired of writing "I'm ..."
Let's try a few pix...
This pic shows you an adult rat.
Some of these are giving us... pic 2
Here are our nice newborn rats...
Have a look on my messy workbench...
Enjoy a pic of microglia in culture for 7d..
And finally a little one of my hometown...
Well, the suns's not shining through the tower of the Muenster all day...
Have a few links so far...
Links to other sites on the Web
The interactive patient
Computernews in old Germany
Microglia's Homepage..
Loads of scientific and educational links..
I'm sorry, but this is all for today.
This page will be updated soon.
If you want to drop me a line... Please feel free at:
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