Magnetic Confinement
(Tokamak, Stellarators, other schemes)
A. Flores X-Ray Thermoluminecent Dosimetry Study in the Novillo Tokamak
Toroidal Modules Alignment in Novillo Tokamak
- E. Gaytán
Hardware and Software System for Pressure Measurement in the Tokamak Chamber
- E. Chávez
Ripple Induced Stochasticity arround the Divertor Scrape-Off Layer
- N.I. Grishanov
Influence of Trapped and Upperttrapped Electrons on the Longitudinal Permitivity of a Toroidal Plasma
- F.M. Nekrasov
Week Collision Effect on Bounce-Resonance Dissipation in Tokamak Plasmas
- F.M. Nekrasov
The Transverse Permeability and The Ion-Cyclotron Wave Dissipation in Magnetic Surfaces
- T.K. Soboleva
Energy Exhaust from Tokamaks: Problems and Solutions
- V.S. Tsypin
Effect of Induced Toroidal Rotation on Poloidal Rotation and Ion Heat Conductivity of Tokamak Edge Plasmas
- V.S. Tsypin
Rotation of Weakly Collisional Plasmas in Tokamaks, Operated With Alfvén Waves
- V.S. Tsypin
Rotation of Weakly Collisional Plasmas in Tokamaks, Operated With Alfvén Waves
- J.E. Vitela
Feedback Stabilization of the Burn Conditions in a Thermonuclear Reactor Using a Feedforward Multylayer Neural Network
- R.M. Oliveira
RFP Relaxation by a Hall Effect in a Small Toroidal Device CECI
- P.Martin
New System of Coordinates for Tokamak

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Arch. Alejandro Chataing with the collaboration of Br. Mauro Varela.
Last revised July 2, 1997