Space Plasmas
C.E. da Silva Broad Band ULF Magnetic Pulsations Excited by Auroral Electron Beams
- C.E. da Silva
Exitation of Broad Band Kinetic Alfvén Wave by Auroral Electron Beams
- C.E. da Silva
High Frequency Instabilities in Aurora Induced by Electron Beams
- A.S. de Assis
Auroral Runaway Double Layer Beams in the Presence of Kinetic Alfvén Turbulence
- Dias Tavares Jr
. Prominence Oscillations and Radio Burst Emissions
- J.C. Xavier
Observation of ULF Magnetic Micropilsations in the April 21 1994 Event in the Brazilian Magnetic Observatory of Vassouras
- H.F. Astudillo
Instabilities of Electromagnetic Waves in a Solar Wind Proton Plasma with Nongyrotropic Alpha Particles
- C.A. Mendoza B
. On the Nonlinear Thermal Evolution of Structures
- B.A. Kulmov
Collision of the Comet SL9 against Jupiter: What did we see
- I.F. Potapenko
A Study on Auroral Electron Precipitation
- R.E. Rodríguez T
. CME Phenomenology in Differen Solar Magnetic Scenarios
- G.J. Morales
Generation if Drift-Alfvén Waves in Field-Aligned Density Stirations
- N.I. Grishanov
Longitudinal Permittivity of the Earths Radiation Belts

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Last revised July 2, 1997