Pulse Power Experiments in Plasmas
(Z-Pinch, Plasma Focus)
G.H. Miley Cylindrical IEC Fusion Neutron Source Operating in a Z-Pinch Disharge Mode
- E.O. Baronova
Experimental Study of Polarization of X-Ray Lines, Emitted by the Plasma of Z-Pinch Devices
- L.Soto
Gas Embedded Compressional Z-Pinch in H2 and D2
- A.V. Gholap
Investigation of Variation of Focus Action with the Lenght of the Inner Electrode for a Plasma Focus
- F. Castillo
Neutron and Soft X-Ray Radiation of the Fuego Nuevo II Dense Plasma Focus
- J. Ruiz
Study of Z-Pinch Dynamics with Prepulse
Numerical Study of The First Compression of a Non-Cylindrical Pinch
2D Code for Simulating a Hollow Gas Puff Z-Pinch
Optical Measurements in a Exploding Wire Experiment.
Studies of Plasma Dynamics in a Small Plasma Focus Opperating in H2-Ar Mixtures
Time Resolved Studies of a Pulsed Hollow Cathode Capillary Discharge
Current Sheath Studies In a Small Plasma Focus Operating in H2-Ar Mixtures
The New Approach to Acceleration and Thermonuclear Mechanisms of Neutron Generation in Z-Pinch
NumericalModelling of the High-Temperature Plasma Dynamics in Z-Pinch Discharges

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Arch. Alejandro Chataing with the collaboration of Br. Mauro Varela.
Last revised July 2, 1997