Versão Portuguesa

General news
NASA daily news Today at NASA
News group sci.astro.amateur
Hubble Space telescope
Space Shuttle Space Shuttle
Comets currently visible Comets
CNN Technology
Exploration probes
Sun Ulysses and Soho
Venus Magellan
Moon Clementine and Lunar Prospector
Mars Viking, Mars Pathfinder and Mars Global Surveyor
Asteroids Near
Jupiter Galileo
Saturn Cassini
Outer solar system Voyager I e II
Background radiation 3K Cobe
Places, agencies, organizations, associations
AAVSO Bureau de Longitudes
National Air & Space Museum National Geophysical Data Center
National Radio Astronomy Observatory NOAA
Skylink The Planetary Society
The Smithsonian Institution United States Geological Survey
 Manufacturers and sellers of telescopes and accessories
ARC Science Simulations Celestron
Company Seven Connectix
Cookbook Eagle Optics
Edmund Scientific Focuscamera
Kodak Leisuretec
Lumicon Maison de Astronomie
Meade Nikon
Obsession Orion
Sbig Shutan
Software Bisque Spectra Astro Systems
Tele Vue Venturescope
Vixen (Japanese) Zeiss
 Backyard astronomers and scientific magazines
Astronomy Astronomy Now
Astrophysical Journal Letters Icarus
Nature Science
Scientific American Sky & Telescope
The Astronomer The Astrophysical Journal
Portuguese places over the net
António Cidadão APAA
Astroligações Astro-Portugal
Carlos Saraiva COAA
Cristina & Artur Guerra Dário Fonseca
Fernando Tonel João Porto
Juan Gonçalves Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia (Department of Science and Technology)
Pedro Ré Pedro Ribeiro
RNOA Urânia's Project

Take some time knowing these two characters:
Richard Feynman, Nobel Prize of Physics, 1965
Carl Sagan, Planetary astronomer


Portuguese & foreigners backyards astronomers with E-MAIL can be reached by FTP or by the address

If you wish to receive the daily news supplied by the ASTRO-PORT send a message to the address herein above with the

NAFCT - Astronomy club of my former University Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
"gather the first light" at the end of 1991 with students and former students who DO really enjoy the night sky.
 The main scope of the NAFCT is a MEADE Starfinder 10" with double axes motor driving.

You can contact NAFCT e-mailing to the following member (Lisbon): Paulo de Carvalho

NAFCT Is one of the founders and helps in the organization of the ASTRO-FESTA (with the Science Museum of the
"Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa" as the leader ), an annual star-party in Portugal starting in 1994 at

Lista de Apontadores Portugueses (An assembly of Portuguese pages)

This page was last updated at 14-03-98 22:30 TU

Pedro Oliveira´s Astronomy page - NAFCT

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