We live and work in Redondo Beach, CA

We're both hams. So are others in the family. (Some of Norm's e-mail addresses include his amateur radio callsign.)

Norm helps keep up the site for the TRW Amateur Radio Club. (W6TRW is the club station's callsign.)

See what happened to one of Helen's ancestors during the Civil War because of his asthma. Look at some of her line from the Shepard's Fold or peruse a recent picture of the New Orleans and Nashville crew. Drop us a line if you want.

We're the ancestors of several people too:

If you've an interest in disability here are two wonderful links to Ken Tittle's Mariposa Ministry and to Jo D'Archangelis' Wings.

Here's a neat proof of the Pythagorean Theorem. It uses merely a dimensionality argument. I'll try to put up one of the nicer proofs by construction one of these days.

Nick (in Lompoc), congratulations on your new call - KF6LXH.

Nick (in Hemet), congratulations on your recent call - KF6JYW.

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