Name: Bob Hill W5FBQ Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: White Deer, TX 79097 Time: 1997-01-12 17:31:00 Comments: Just looking around tonight and ran across you homepage. I have a begining of one in geocities but when I get more added to it I will give you the address. Yours is very nice, 73 Bob |
Name: Lazaro M Julve (wy4i) Website: N/A Referred by: DX Reflector From: Miami Fl Time: 1997-01-07 21:37:00 Comments: Fist time in the system Lazaro |
Name: Michelle, K3OJ Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Matamoras, PA Time: 1997-01-07 11:25:00 Comments: |
Name: Jim Hawkins WA2WHV Website: Jim Hawkins' Multimedia Page Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Middletown, NJ (near Red Bank) Time: 1997-01-06 05:15:00 Comments: Hi, I browsed your page briefly and your original artwork QSL is fabulous! I did one for myself also at: I modeled it after an old fashioned transmitter panel with a 250-TH glowing in the window. I already sent you other mail regarding my radio pages. 73 es DX Jim Hawkins PS: There are two other Middletown's in NJ, hence the ref to Red Bank |
Name: Jose M. Delgado - EA1ACP Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Ocenilla - Soria Time: 1997-01-05 03:49:00 Comments: |
Name: wy2d ray Website: TRI-STATE AMATEUR RADIO ASSN. HOME PAGE Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: PORT JERVIS,NY Time: 1997-01-04 22:38:00 Comments: GREAT JOB MIKE. GOOD DX ING! CHECK OUT: ![]() |
Name: Brian Gawenus Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: port jervis n.y. Time: 1997-01-04 15:03:00 Comments: Hello mike, this is brian gawenus son of paul gawenus k2lzs. just looking around and found your page figured to say high and see you at the hamfest. 73's Brian |
Name: David Spector, N2BCA Website: Spector's Home Page Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: New York City Time: 1997-01-02 13:24:00 Comments: Wow! Whatta nice site -- I *LOVE* the story collection. I am just getting back on HF after a number of (way too) quiet years, and your stories page has got my going. Now, all I need is a workable longwire for a NYC apartment... (no terrace, can't put anyting on the fire escape.. etc) 73, David |
Name: Chuck Sudds K0TVD Website: Beakers Parrot Society Referred by: DX Reflector From: Missouri Valley, Iowa Time: 1997-01-02 06:58:00 Comments: Have been looking for a site that had all of Paul's (VE1DX) stories on it! Love it! Keep up the good work and see ya in the pileups!! |
Name: WB8CCV Website: Not Titled Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Grand Rapids, MI Time: 1997-01-01 18:58:00 Comments: Nice page - will add as a link to mine. 73s Bob |
Name: Scott Stembaugh N9LJX (was N9LJX) Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN) Time: 1996-12-30 09:13:00 Comments: |
Name: Howard D. Johnson AE4NV Website: Referred by: Heard About it on Air From: Inman SC (North of Spartanburg) Time: 1996-12-23 18:22:00 Comments: Look forward to learning how to download, so that I can find DX on Internet. Thanks for all the hard work!! Hojo Hope to hear you on the air! |
Name: Dusty Chapman - WA3IKK Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Camp Hill, PA Time: 1996-12-19 22:12:00 Comments: Very interesting, good articles, thanks |
Name: Wendell Carrington N5WC Website: Referred by: DX Reflector From: Waxahachie, TX. Time: 1996-12-16 19:39:00 Comments: |
Name: Stephan Burkhardt, DL4OBE Website: Referred by: DX Reflector From: Stuttgart, South West Germnany (JN48MR)R Time: 1996-12-16 00:28:00 Comments: Great page with ALOT of links - especially the one to Paul Dunphy's it's just that I am also a QRP fan, nevertheless sometimes use an amp ;-) 73 from Stephan |
Name: Craig A. Hill - K3PLV Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Erie, PA Time: 1996-12-15 16:49:00 Comments: Very Nice |
Name: Craig A. Hill - K3PLV Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Erie, PA Time: 1996-12-15 16:49:00 Comments: Very Nice |
Name: Ronald L. Rosson, WB6ORX Website: WB6ORX Homepage (Still under Construction) Referred by: DX Reflector From: El Cajon, CA (San Diego County Time: 1996-12-15 10:28:00 Comments: MIke, It looks like you have taken alot of time to prepare it. It is a very well done and layout is outstanding. I hope when I finish mine that it is half as nice as yours. I'm also a Dx'er and enjoy the chase. Hope to one day go on a Dxpedition. Best DX, 73, Ron |
Name: Ronald L. Rosson, WB6ORX Website: WB6ORX Homepage (Still under Construction) Referred by: DX Reflector From: El Cajon, CA (San Diego County Time: 1996-12-15 10:20:00 Comments: MIke, Your Web Page is very looks like you have taken alot of time to prepare it. It is a very well done and layout is outstanding. Did you have done Commercially or did you do it. I hope when I finish mine that it is half as nice as yours . I'm also a Dx'er and enjoy the chase. Hope to one day go on a Dxpedition. Best DX, 73, Ron |
Name: Tom Harrell K4TSJ ex AL7EL Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Menominee, MI Time: 1996-12-14 22:12:00 Comments: Nice page and well configured. Why does your DXpedition page not link to my Wake operation AL7EL/KH9? Do you need something from us to make that happen? Advise if we can help. 73 |
Name: Dave/KA2CYN Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: New York Time: 1996-12-13 19:51:00 Comments: Its great to find a page like this where I can access the classical DX stories. Tnx es 73, Dave/KA2CYN |
Name: Jules L. Freundlich Website: Referred by: DX Reflector From: Minneapolis, MN Time: 1996-12-12 15:34:00 Comments: Nice call and nice page! GL es 73 |
Name: Kerry Messana Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Waterford NY Time: 1996-12-10 18:57:00 Comments: Hi Mike, Thought I would check out your web page, I noted it at the bottom of your e-mail. Looks great...Talk to you soon. Kerry |
Name: Larry Deering Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Bellport, NY Time: 1996-12-10 17:55:00 Comments: |
Name: Wayne W. Wiltse, K8BTH ex W7AZO, FP0TH and FP0FXP Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan Time: 1996-12-10 13:55:00 Comments: Enjoyed seeing the complete list of the Dunphy stuff...thanks for your efforts. |
Name: John Yanagi/N2KJM Website: N2TES/N2KJM's contesting pages Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Stanhope, NJ Time: 1996-12-09 22:49:00 Comments: So, Mike... how long do you think this guest book will stay up! :-) Very nice improvements on the pages! Heck, turning this thing into a world class operation! Hope to start hearing you in some of the contests again --- I'm losing 1 point cuz of you! hi! 73, John |
Name: Alex Szkabarnicki VA3CKI Website: Burglar Alarms ... and ham radio Referred by: Alta Vista From: Newmarket Ontario Canada Time: 1996-12-08 21:02:00 Comments: I will update my home page as soon as my new provider gets off their )*&%(^& and opens a spot so I can transfer my home page files. My original provider was bought out. |
Name: LARRY MALLEK K6YUI Website: Referred by: Packet Radio From: anaheim, calif Time: 1996-12-08 19:01:00 Comments: work dx on cw ssb and rtty have 338 countries total and 246 on rtty coming up on 40 years in amateur radio. |
Name: Paul M Dunphy VE1DX Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Lake Echo, NS Canada Time: 1996-12-08 06:22:00 Comments: I echo you words about a stable log book, Mike! However, such is life. Let's hope the next major DXpeditions use this "log" book and not one of the previous ones. "The grief I feel I cannot tell I just heard that your tower fell" - WA6AUD, WCDXB 73/DX Paul VE1DX |
Name: Jim Vander Veer N2KRK Website: Referred by: Ham Radio Link From: Sussex NJ 07461 Time: 1996-12-03 16:24:00 Comments: Hi Mike. Nice Page. Now I Have to remember your new call! Good luck with this site. I would like to make one TOO! I Have a new Business with computers and would like to set up a page ( any info on geocities would be helpful) Thanks Jim |
Name: Bob - N9NUP Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Appleton,WI Time: 1996-12-03 16:03:00 Comments: Great site & well organized. I will let my friends know. |
Name: Dave WL7DB Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: KL7 Time: 1996-12-03 12:41:00 Comments: |
GeoCities Cape Canaveral