Some interesting links (Population Studies, Statistics, and Cinema) CPS demographic links
The Centre for Population Studies (CPS) is a research unit within the Department of Epidemiology &
Population Health of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. CPS is engaged in the
measurement and explanation of population trends and in the evaluation of attempts to modify them.
The Centre is active in research both on Britain and Europe and on the demography of developing
countries. It provides much of the teaching for the MSc in Medical Demography and the new MSc in Reproductive & Sexual Health Research and is host to about a dozen research students at any time. CPS adopts a multidisciplinary approach to its activities. The staff combine expertise in demography with backgrounds and experience in sociology, anthropology, mathematics, statistics, biology, epidemiology and public health.
W3C/ANU The Internet Guide to Demography and Population Studies
This WWW server is provided by the Coombs Computing Unit, Research Schools of Social Sciences & Pacific and Asian Studies at the Australian National University, Canberra.
Population Index on the Web
Population Index, published since 1935, is the primary reference tool to the world's population literature. It presents an annotated bibliography of recently published books, journal articles, working papers, and other material on population topics. What we have available for you on this website is a searchable and browsable
database containing 40,243 abstracts of demographic literature published in Population Index in the period 1986-1998.
Popline Home Page
POPLINE (POPulation information onLINE) provides citations with abstracts of the worldwide literature on population, family planning, and related health issues.
POPLINE is maintained by the Population Information Program at the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health and is funded primarily by the United States Agency for International Development. The United Nations Population Fund supports the production of POPLINE in compact disc form, which is available free of charge to qualified organizations in developing countries.
FFS - INF2 Risultati dell' Indagine Nazionale. Convegno ad Abano Terme (Padova 8-11 giugno 1998).
Dopo 16 anni (1979: prima Indagine sulla fecondità nel quadro del progetto World Fertlity Survey), tra Novembre 1995 e Gennaio 1996 è stata realizzata una nuova indagine, mediante interviste, sui comportamenti coniugali e riproduttivi degli italiani e sulle loro aspettative di fecondità (4.824 donne e 1.206 uomini di età 20-49 anni [generazioni dal 1946 al 1975]), posti in relazione con i percorsi individuali di istruzione, lavoro, provenienza familiare. La ricerca si inserisce nel progetto internazionale Fertility and Family Surveys (per gli anni ‘90), che è coordinato dalla Commissione Economica per l’Europa della Nazioni Unite (Ginevra) e che interessa 20 Paesi. Del folto Gruppo di lavoro, coordinato dal prof. Paolo De Sandre (demografo dell’Università di Padova), fanno parte studiosi (specie demografi, ma anche statistici e sociologi) di varie Università - in particolare Padova, Bologna, Firenze, Roma ‘la Sapienza’- e ricercatori dell’Istat e dell’Istituto di Ricerche sulla Popolazione del Cnr.
Banca Informativa sulla Documentazione in Demografia Storica
OPR's Data Archive
The Data Archive at the Office of Population Research (Princeton University) holds a number of specialized datasets, including:
- American Fertility Surveys
- European Fertility Decline
- The World Fertility Survey (WFS)
- The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS)
- Chinese Fertility Surveys
- Hutterite Fertility Data These data are of great historical interest. They represent a natural fertility population with a very high level of marital fertility and were used as a standard in the European Fertility Study against which the fertility levels of other populations were measured.
StatLib Index
Welcome to StatLib, a system for distributing statistical software, datasets, and information by electronic mail, FTP and WWW. StatLib started out as an e-mail service and some of the organization still reflects that heritage. We hope that this document will give you sufficient guidance to navigate through the archives. For your convenience there are several sites around the world which serve as full or partial mirrors to StatLib.
University of Southampton. Department of Social Statistics. Links
Matteo Grigoletto's Home Page
My name is Matteo Grigoletto. In these pages I collected some links concerning my interests. I study statistics, so there are many links to statistical and mathematical sites. But, hey, there is even a lot of fun stuff!
Tiziana Marcolongo's Home Page
Dottore in Scienze dell'Informazione. Amministratore di sistema e sviluppatore del software presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche dell'Università di Udine.
Progetti in corso:
- upgrade del laboratorio informatico
- programma per l'inserimento dei censimenti e dei flussi storici
- programma Anagrafe per la gestione dei Registri della Popolazione
Interessi: adoro i Simpsons, Alf, "Alvaro e Gnappetta" (qualcuno sa dirmi se lo trasmettono ancora?)