Welcome to Aquilae Island!

[Horse Head Nebula]

Adventure begins

Silent, one by one,
in the infinite meadows of heavens,
blossomed the lovely stars,
the forget-me-nots of angels.


Are you ready for an amazing tour to the most remote realms of the Universe? This is a trip that involves only a couple of minutes of your valuable time and lots of imagination. Enjoy and have a good time with our new homepage. Come and visit us as often as you can. We are continuously expanding. Some things may not work yet properly, so please be patient. Here is the List of Your Choices.
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  1. Astronomy Circle
    1. The Brief History of Astronomy
    2. And the God Said Let There Be a Big Bang...
    3. Our Constellations
    4. Deep Sky Objects
    5. Famous Astronomical Quotations and Poetry
    6. Astronomy BookShelf
    7. Awesome AstroLinks
    8. Glossary of Astronomical Terms
  2. Varia
    1. Best Links Under the Sun
    2. About the Author

If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me

My e-mail (Aquila):mdudka@niu.edu

Copyright © 1995 by Marek Dudka
Last updated: January 16, 1997

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