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Robotics - what they are
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Cartoonist Robot Robotics is a study of modern automated mechanisms with sensory input and computer control. By definition, a robot must also be reprogrammable in order to perform different tasks, and it must have a minimum of three axes of movement. You can see that robotics covers many applications of control technology.

What is a Mobile Robot?
A definition of a mobile robot is quite self explanatory. It is simply a robot that can move to one place to another, etc. It can, move intelligently and in a purposeful way, it can determine it's current position, and location, (whether it might be in the world or in a room) and it can work towards a goal. It can look at landmark and analyze it and even plan it's path of movement. Making a mobile robot requires a great deal of time and money to make it. You have to plan and enter data into the robot and finally you have to make it work. Robots can use many different ways to navigate. Some ways are,
- cameras
- light sensors
- heat sensors
- movement sensors
- Sonar sensors
- infrared sensors
- tactile sensors
- ultrasonic sensors

What is a Commercial Robot?
Robots are used most often for business/commercial purposes. Because they are robots and do not get tired, or weary, they don't need breaks (EI: coffee breaks) or to go to the toilet, this is why they are preferred in commercial/businesses today. The only running costs are the minimal maintenance and electricity. Two examples of this could be,
  • A car production line. Robots could be used to make the bases of the car, apply paint, bend and apply metal, glass, electronics, lights, seats and even down to the motor. The robots can be as accurate as within one millimeter (also they are very reliable doing this) compared to a human, there is no contest.
  • A vending machine, has replaced tireless workers. The robot (in this case machine) can detect the coin (by the weight and shape) and work out if the user has the right amount of money. If they did the robot/machine would give the user what he requires. Vending machines like this are found all around the place in today's world.

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