Welcome to the Computers and Technology Webring. The aim of this webring is for people that own webpages based on the subject of Computers and Technology (and everything inbetween it) to join together in one place. Hopefully increasing traffic to your site.

If you have a page based on the subject of Computers or Technology (and everything inbetween) I urge you to use the form below to sign-up for this great webring. But like all webrings there are a few requirements:

  • If you have not guessed by now, your site's content has to contain something to do with Computers or Technology. This webring is based on the GeoCities Avenue; Computers and Technology. Some examples of some topics are:
    • Cyberlife
    • Electrical Engineering
    • Hardware
    • Internet
    • Science
    • Graphics and images
    • Maths
    • Operating Systems
    • Software
    • Space (exploration)
    • Technology
  • If your site is located in GeoCities, your site can not in any way break the GeoCities Guidelines. The same thing applies with any free homepage companies (ie: Tripod, CyberCities)
  • The webmaster and helpers reserve the right to decide who will be included in this webring.
  • When filling out the form below, under the "Site URL" section, make sure you enter the exact location where the html-fragment (code) will be placed;
    ie: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/1595/webrings.html

Submit site to Computers and Technology Webring

Site Title:
Site URL:

Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Once you have completed this, your website has been placed in a queue (you can check this by following this link) You will receive a email from webring.org with your site id and most importantly the html-fragment (this is simply the code you are required to place on your website) The code has been changed for your site. You are required to cut and paste the code with out changing it onto your site. If you have any troubles don't be afraid to email the webmaster! Once you have finished that, the code should look something like this:

index queue previous 5 skip previous previous Computers and Technology Webring Homepage next skip next next 5 random page home
Computers and Technology Webring Homepage

But when you have finished this, you have not finished yet! Check the code and your page and make sure it comes up with no errors or image problems. If you do, make sure you email the webmaster if you need help! If you have no problems with the code and ring email the webmaster with "Add to Ring" in the subject box and your Site ID and URL in the message text box. Then when I add you to the ring, your job is complete!

  • Submit your website by using the form above.
  • Receive the email from webring.org - cut and paste the exact code (html-fragment) into your website (remember not to change it in anyway - all the variables have already been changed for you!
  • Email the webmaster with "Add to Ring" in the subject box and your Site ID and URL in the message text box.
  • Sit back, relax watch the hits and pride come in!

  • html fragment - code = The code that you receive in the email from webring.org that you cut and paste into your website (without changing it!)
  • Site ID = Simply the id number you are issued with when you receive the email.
  • Webmaster = The person that runs this page!

In the meantime (while you wait) make sure you visit the following sites:
  • CapeCanaveral/1595 - My personal site featured in CapeCanaveral. It is all about space and space related topics. (I think I deserve some credit!)
  • Computers and Technology - GeoCities Computers and Technology Page

Thank you to:
G e o C i t i e s
G e o C i t i e s