Steven Reynolds
- Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Business and Management: MBA Cand. (GPA 3.7)
- Concordia University - Irvine, B.A.'s: Business Management and Psychology, 1996 (GPA 3.8)
- Robert A. Millikan High School, Diploma, 1992 (GPA 3.7)
- John Marshall Junior High School, 1988-1989
- Bethany Lutheran School, 1977-1988
- Pegasus Enterprises, President & CEO, 1996-Present
- Long Beach Flight Center, Administrator, 1998-Present
- Long Beach Unified School District, Special Education Advisor, 1994-Present
- McDonnell Douglas Corporation, Customer Relations, 1993-1994
- Long Beach Unified School District, Journalism Instruction, 1992-1994
Holder of US Patent # 396518
- Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
- American Psychological Association (#8018 8395)
- American Psychological Society
- Sigma Beta Delta
- McDonnell Douglas Managment Club
- Volunteer - McDonnell Douglas Project Love Foundation
- Volunteer - Orangewood Home for Abused and Abandoned Children
- Los Angeles World Affairs Council
- American Aviation Historical Society
- World Airline Historical Society 3680USA22/4
- San Diego Aerospace Hall of Fame
- Best Buddies International, Founder of Millikan High School Chapter
International Travel Experience:
- Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, Egypt, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Japan, Italy, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, People's Republic of China, Puerto Rico, Russia, Saint Lucia, Sweden, Switzerland, Vatican City
- Federal Aviation Administration: Pilot Proficiency Award Program, Phase 1.
- Photograph with the President of the Republic of Armenia published in "World Affairs Journal," November 1998
- Congratulatory call from the Office of President Bill Clinton, December 5, 1997
- Congratulatory letter from Congressman John Shimkus, November 8, 1997
- Concordia University - Irvine's materials to recruit new students, quoted as an example of Alumni successes, pg 9, Fall 1998
- "Congressional Recognition in Honor of Steven R. Reynolds," November 7, 1997
- "CU Graduate Receives the 1997 Gold Congressional Award," Concordia Today, October 1997.
- "Congressional leaders honor Condordia alum with '97 Gold award," This Month, August 1997.
- "MBA Student Receives Gold Congressional Award," Pepperdine University Graduate School of Business and Management Today, August 1997, p. 1
- "People and Places," The Lutheran Witness, August 1997, p. 21
- "A Family Thing at Orangewood," Los Angeles Times - Orange County Edition, July 15, 1997, B1
- Congratulatory letter from CA State Assemblymember Steve Kuykendall, July 10, 1997
- "Congressional Medalist," Names & Faces, Long Beach Press Telegram, July 9, 1997, B3A
- Presented with United States flag which was flown over the United States Capitol today in honor of receipt of Congressional Award, June 24, 1997
- 1997 CONGRESSIONAL GOLD AWARD MEDAL for humanitarian service and self improvement, June 24, 1997
- Invitation from the Vatican to attend an Audience with Pope John Paul II in Rome, May 5, 1997
- Certificate of Appreciation, in recognition of "Outstanding Voluntary Service" from Orangewood Children's Home, April 17, 1997
- Personal congratulatory letter from U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein, April 1, 1997
- Personal "Thank you" letter from Vice President Al Gore for participation in safety conference, February 28, 1997
- Profiled in "Teens Learn True Value of Friendship," Long Beach Press Telegram, January 28, 1997, A1
- Personal Invitation from Vice President Al Gore to attend Aviation Safety and Security Conference, December 13, 1996
- Certificate of Appreciation, Cypress College, Aeronautics Department
- Certificate of Appreciation, Campfire Boys and Girls of America
- Certificate of Appreciation, McDonnell Douglas West Retiree's Assocation
- Certificate of Appreciation, McDonnell Douglas Project Love Foundation
- First time winner of two Annual McDonnell Douglas Management Club Scholarships
- Elected to Who's Who Among American Students in Univerisities and Colleges, 1995
- Biography Published in 1994-1995, 1995-1996 and 1996-1997 Editions of The National Dean's List
- Outstanding Senior Award - Business Administration:Management, Concordia University
- 5 Letters of Academic Commendation, Concordia University - Irvine
- 6 times on the Dean's List, Concordia University - Irvine
- California Scholarship Federation Seal Bearer
- Biography Published in both 1990-1991, and 1991-1992 Editions of Who's Who Among High School Students
- Robert A. Millikan High School Medal of Merit
- "Homeless" Press-Telegram, February 24, 1998, A6.
- The Importance of Livery Recognition, Aerlines, May 1996.
Additional Authorships:
- Social Interaction Among Children with Down Syndrome, April 22, 1996
- The McDonnell Douglas Corporation: A Multinational Enterprise, 1996
- Support your Schools? Ethical issues in distibution of Lottery Funds, December 5, 1995
- Ten Commandments of Management, December 4, 1995
- All that Glitters . . .: More Changes in Store at SAS, November 17, 1995
- Managing throught the Mind: An Emerging Trend in the Airline Industry, October 6, 1995
- Consolidated Industries: A Model of a Time Share Air Fare Company, 1994
- Cycling
- Collecting commercial aviation memorabilia
- Collecting old, rare books
- Collecting historical artifacts
- Playing the Piano and/or Organ
- Golfing
- Reading
- Travel
- Flying -- Hold a Commercial, Multi-Engine, and Instrument Pilot's Certificates
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