For info on SIFA, the Stunt Island Filmmaker's
Assoc., Click Here.
Many years ago, I acquired Disney's Stunt Island, a great filmmaking program made in 1992. For those of you unfamiliar with this program, it is basically a flight simulator and directing / editing program. In short, you can make movies with it, using hundreds of planes, vehicles, structures, people, etc.
Completed in Summer, 1999. Highlights include
Custom objects and people with bobbing heads
- Numerous musical selections
- Insight on what goes on during the making of a SI film
- Fershluggener Parody and Satire
Download Flag Day Today!
The Stunt Island Player (Required to view Flag Day) - 205k Zipped
Based on the success of my first major film, Labor Day, I have decided to finally make the sequel:
Labor Day 2 - Arbor Day
April 23rd. Arbor Day. Those dreaded Alien Invaders from the first film have returned to wipe out the human race for good. But this time, the Earth is prepared... or so they thought.
An even looser sequel to the summer blockbuster Independence Day complete with musical theme!
Size: 3.9 Megs Length: About 11 Minutes
The Stunt Island Player (Required to view Flag Day) - 205k Zipped
2nd. Labor Day. Alien Invaders from a distant world wreak havoc on New York
City. Being Labor Day, all the authorities are home on vacation and unable to
respond to the attack!
A loose parody of the summer blockbuster, Independence Day
Size: 720k/1900k
Length: 12 Minutes
LD2 comes in two flavors:
The version for
people who own Stunt Island (720k)
and the version for those who don't. (1900k)
If you're unsure whether you own Stunt Island or not (I can't imagine why) then assume you don't and download the large LD2.ZIP and follow the directions.
If you have a Macintosh, then go and buy an IBM before you download LD2.
Click here to see some Screen Shots from Labor Day - The Stunt Island Experience
The Stunt Island Player (Required to view Flag Day) - 205k Zipped
SIFA is the Stunt Island Filmmaker's Association, founded by DeadPhrog with over a dozen members devoted to the discussion and creation of Stunt Island Films. It's like a mini-production company for Stunt Island Films. We accept any members interested, but having Stunt Island is a plus! We can track down places where you can buy SI as well as let you participate in different contests and activities. We are currently working on a collage film involving all members. Each member adds one minute of their own footage to a film passed on to him. He then passes the film on to another member, and soon the film will be complete. Sounds exciting, no? Well join in the fun today! Write me or DeadPhrog for more info.
If you have a Stunt Island link, please let me know!
Island Central - Doug's Site which started the craze!
21st Century Frog Productions -
Kieran Morrissey's site, creator of the impressive Truck Wars films - The Only Disney Software
FTP site in existance. TONS of SI stuff.
Stunt Island Tutorial Page
- How to make custom props for Stunt Island. Also has useful download section
Dean Newbury's Stunt
Island Page - Has some Star Wars SI stuff too