Purpose Of The 81st Fighter Wing Association & |
(signed by) Sanford K. Moats Lt General, USAF Retired
(signed by) Benjamin B. Cassiday B General, USAF, Retired
(signed by) Stuart S. Stabley Lt Colonel, USAF, Retired
2. MAILING ADDRESS: The mailing address will be in the United States of America and kept current with the Internal Revenue Service.
3. PURPOSE: The constitutional purpose is to: A. Perpetuate the unit's history; B. Remember members' lives; C. Conduct educational programs for members and the public; D. Help maintain a patriotic spitit in America; E. Bring the membership together to renew and create new friendships through reunions ( approximatley every two years) and other means of communication. 4. STATUS: The 81st FWA is organized as nonprofit under paragraph 501(c)(19) of the United States Internal Revenue Code.
5. MEMBERSHIP: Eligible for membership shall be personnel or their surviving spouses who were assigned to and served honorably in an organization of the 81st PURSUIT GROUP, FIGHTER GGROUP, FIGHTER GROUP (JET), FIGHTER INTERCEPTOR GROUP, FIGHTER INTERCEPTOR WING, FIGHTER BOMB WING and TACTICAL FIGHTER WING. 6. ELECTED OFFICIALS: Elected from the membership will be a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and directors. As practicable, directors will be elected to represent fighter unit eras as shown in paragraph 5. A director may represent more than one fighter unit era. Conversly, more than one director may represent a single fighter unit era. All officials will serve from one reunion to the next, which occurs approximatly every two years. Maximum number of terms is two.
7. MANAGEMENT: Management is vested in an EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Chaired by the president it will include the immediate past president all elected officials and two members selected by the president from the membership. Voting within this committee will be as in paragraph 9. The committee has the authority to: A. Establish dues, raise funds, budget funds, expend funds, incur liabilities, and to contract; B. Establish other committees and appoint induviduals to conduct authorized events; C. Keep the by-laws current and attend to other matters as they may occur. The committee will convene normally when the 81st FWA reunites the membership approxiately every two years. By consensus, however, the committee may be convened at other times to consider matters which require timely attention.
8. FINANCES: Funds only be used only in support of the constitutional purpose. Officials who are elected or appointed will serve without pay. There will be no employees. The annual accounting period will be calandar year. Any net proceeds will not inure to the benefit of any individual. An annual information return will be filed with the IRS using form 990EZ or 990.
9. VOTING: The members present at any reunion or meeting will constitute a quorum and each will have one vote. A majority vote of 51 per cent will carry the question. There will be no cumulative voting. Method of voting will be at the descretion of the president.
10. LIABILITY: No one of the membership shall become liable to the association for any amount other than that which was legally or willfully contracted. Elected officials, committee members or appointees will not be liable to the association or to any of its members except in cases that may be prosecuted by law as criminal or fraudulent.
11. AMMENDMENTS: The by-laws may be amended only by vote of the membership. See paragraph #9.
12. DISSOLUTION: The 81st FWA may be dissolved only by vote of the membership. See paragraph #9. Assets will be dispersed to Air Force Charities as identified by the membership.
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Frank & Sharon Palmer with Edwin Stricker, retired AF NCO, aka "The Cookie Man," at the Seattle 81st Reunion, October 6-9th, 1999. The Palmers HOSTED this very successful Reunion and look forward to assisting Davy & Joanne Crocker for the next REUNION IN SAN ANTONIO, TX. Dates to be announced. |
Abrams, Arne Abrams, Lois Blood, Arlie Blood, Lucille Bouwhuis, Chris Brinker, Robert Brinker, Joanne Barnes, Robert Barnes, Joan Burns, William Burns, Marlys Cassiday, Ben Collins, Richard Colyard, Judy Crocker, Grover Crocker, Joanne Carter, Doug Davenport, Grady Davenport, Isobel Fraley, Alton Fraley, Shirley Gates, Yvonne Garrisgan, Robert Garrian Barbara Hall, Wilson Hoffman, Julie Horvath, Matthew Horvath, Dottie Harlan, Ron
Harlan, Olive Hicks, Robert Hicks, Sue Ann Hoye, John Hoye, Bette Herring, Asa Herring, Honor Houstalins, Claude Houstaling, Ora Holmes, Donald Holmes, Darlene Hanto, Don Hanto, Anne Jurgensen, Elmer Jurgensen, Liv Kirk, Leland Kirk, June Krisle, Shirley Kurtz, Donald Leimbach, Gil Leimbach, Gwyn Lyons, Lawrence Lyons, Gloria McDonald, Leroy Moats, Sandy Moats, Doreen Moore, Samuel Moore, Helen Mikler, Donald
Moeller, Ronald Nichols, Dorothy Pattenaude, Avril Parr, George Pile, Selden Pile, Phyllis Pytel, Stanley Pytel, Clara Palmer, Gerald Palmer, Bethel Palmer, Frank Palmer, Sharon Rice, Donald Rice, Marchi Roestal, Ray Roestal, Judy Roll, Fred Roll Marilyn Reynolds, Harold Reynolds, Terry Scharf, Harvey Searl, Robert Stabley, Stewart Stabley, Nancy Stricker, Edwin Stewart, Gary Stewart, B.J. Spillman, Jay Stewart, B.J.
Spillman, Jay Spillman, Shirley Shankles, James Skinner, Dolores Sawyer, Julian Shelton, Glenn Shelton, Joan Spencer, Brent Tande, Eugene Thomas, Darlene Thomas Jan Upchurch, George Upchurch, Mary Lou Veal, Louis Whitford, M.G. Whitford, Elizabeth Ways, Robert Williams, Joseph Williams, Lois Williams, George Williams, Lorraine Winans, Megan Wrobel, Chuck Wrobel, Beverly Walker, Willie Walker, Sandra Toyn, Thomas . .
It is my pleasure to dedicate this FIRST NEWSLETTER of the 81st Fighter Wing Assocation to FRANK AND SHARON PALMER. Frank and Sharon HOSTED the Seattle Reunion and did an OUTSTANDING JOB. They also served as my inspiration to get involved, again, with the 81st, after a 50 year absence. THANKS to their leadership we had a Great Reunion, we have an 81st Web Page, over 18 Scrapbook albums of the 81st from 1942-1992 and our first WINTER EDITION NEWSLETTER of the 81st FWA. Our membership, likewise, has increased dramatically. Thanks to two FINE PEOPLE.
(1.0) 81ST, WW2 era, AIRCRAFT,POSTERS... (1.1) 81st Early Years, 1942 to 1949 (1.2) 81st Moses Lake to UK, 1950-59 (1.3) 81st BENTWATERS - 91st Sqd., 60-92 (1.4) 81st, SHEPHERDS GROVE, 1952-58 (1.5) WOODBRIDGE - 79th, 1959-84 (1.6) 81st ANIMULE SCRAPBOOK (1.7)81st, MOTORS & BIKES, UK-YANKS (1.9) 81st ARCHIVES, 42-92 (2) 81st CRAPBOOK, "Section 8" HUMOUR (2.2) 81ST RAF\USA MILITARY MOTORS, WW2 (2.3) 81st BRIT NOSTALGIA CARS 1942-92 (2.4) 81st UK TOUR by HARVEY & COX (2.5) 81ST SEARCH FOR CHRISTY (2.6) East Anglia by Megan W. and Ron B. (2.7) UK AIR-WAR MUSEUMS, DAVID HARVEY (3.) 81st, REUNION, SEATTLE, OCT 6TH-9TH (3.1) 81st SEATTLE REUNION TOUR, Chris B. |
REGISTRATION FORMfor Newsletters, Web Page, Photos, Donations & Dues
PHONE:(.............)......................................................................................... ADDRESS:.............................................................................................................................................................................................. PO BOX .............................................................................................................................. CITY.............................................................................................................STATE..........................ZIP.................. YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS......................................................................................................................................................................
THEIR EMAIL ADDRESS........................................................................................................................ Dates of Service with 81st:...................................................................................................................................................................... LOCATIONS OF SERVICE:................................................................................................................................................................... Wing, Squadron or Duty Station................................................................................................................................................................
Register for Newletters, Web Page and Photo Albums & DONATIONS to the 81st FWA. You do not have to be a member of the 81st.......friends, other units, spouses can Donate, Participate and Contribute to the success of the Association. All are Welcome......Here to SERVE ! We are all volunteers and gladly giving something back to the 81st. WELCOME, WELCOME,.....WE WILL BE DELIGHTED TO HEAR FROM YOU 1. Annual Donation............................$20.00 CHECK HERE _____________ 2. Lifetime Donation, one time......$100.00 CHECK HERE_____________ PRINT & MAIL ENTIRE REGISTRATION SHEET & DONATIONS-DUES TO:
Frank Palmer, Treasurer ALSO: Many 81st Vets are not aware of the New 81st FWA. Submit their names and we'll put them on the Newsletter list: Name..................................................................... DETAIL YOUR REQUEST..... any input, suggestions, what-ever can be articulated here. ***This FIRST 81st FWA Newsletter is a result of the joint efforts of Chuck Wrobel, Secretary and Jim Tansey, WebMaster\Editor. |