This page contains links and photos about matters that science itself could not still explain.
Since the begining of time, the man was obseced with the unknown and scientists attempted to develope
some theories trying to approach a certain explanation about this facts but, in most cases these theories
were rejected because they were based on false hypothesis. There wasn't any success yet, but scientists
from all over the world are still researching. Sooner or later the truth will be known...or maybe never.
Out Of This World
Since 1947, when the american information media began to spread out news about presumed
observations of "flying saucers", the belief in "extraterrestrial origin spaceships" existance observed by scared
witnesses is already an universal fact actually. The UFO phenomenon can be dealt with several points of view,
wich makes it specially complex and resistant to any discipline's reduction with exclusiveness. This complexity
has provoked a certain abandon by some knowledge's professionals respecting the approaches adopted by others.
Some amateurs will wonder how's possible that so many cases that appear to be genuine "UFO" observations
are, after the pertinent investigations, reduced to simple confusions with human made objects and natural
phenomenons. It has to be added the important fact, that between our cultural believes is already grounded
the concept of strange lights existance from unknown origin in the sky.
During the 20's, when someone sighted a strange light in the sky, it was not associated with strange presences,
at least for this particular perceiver. Actually, since the late 40's, this is possible, even dealing in both cases
with a probable and simple presence of a bright planet that the witnesses could not identify (very frequently
Venus), or a spectacular meteor that crossed the visible space at night, certain electricity manifestations as
globular rays, as many other causes of natural type and, although it seems incredible some of them as prosaic as
moonset. This kind of phenomenons are called by the ufologists "astronomical causes".
As far as it concerns to processes of atmosphere ionization, temperature inversion, vertical mirages they are
called "atmospheric causes".
Civil and militar planes have been misunderstood, even if they are easily recognizable due to its position
lights, airships and very advanced prototypes can posses a strange appearance for those witnesses that
don't know much; the helicopters at night flight even more if they have a powerfull tracking focus; the
focus used in musical shows and parties; the reentrance of space garbage that returns incandescent
because of the friction against the atmosphere; the expeled gas by a militar proof, the launching of
spaceships and solid fuel ignition during stage separation, and other similarities; experiences of explosive
kind at high atmosphere with sodium, lithium, and barium clouds that makes huge shining globes.
This may obey several motivations: wish of notoriety, anxiety of prooving that "the alien exist", simple
youthful jokes or adults that escape from joker's control, journalistic overstatements; photographic makeups
and deceits mantained for enough time.
It has kept the belief that what a witness or a group of these report, adjust to the reality of the visual stimulus
observed, ignoring the circumstances that occured: state of the sky, visible or sparkling astronomical bodies,
perception capacity of the witness, affection for the mysterious and unknown, eagerness of notoriety, etc.
Normally, this cases are really hard to explain and maybe many of that 5% unexplained are nothing but trivial
events beautified by the witness.
At least in ufologists opinion, exists a little residue (that 5% already citated) of real enigmatic cases that spect
to be researched by analists and enquirers that make use of common sense.
Since enough time has passed to verify the phenomenon's evolution, it has been possible to notice that not
all the years can be observed the same number of UFOs, as well as some years or seasons, normally bienials,
had an enormous accumulation of sightings. This periods use to be caused by spectacular incidents to wich
press media gives plenty publicity. Next, people feel indorsed to comment their strange observations that
also publish and comment mistery propagators; this way the avalanche grows until it reachs a moment when
the media saturates and leaves those news aside letting UFO activity decrease to its normal level.
It may occur psychological processes disturbing the normal perception of certain celestial stimulus. It is not
a pathological manifestation, it simply occurs when a predisposed, angished person is not capable of identify
a stimulus that is presented to its knowledge system as a difficulty or problem solved symbolically: by
assuming that the observed object is an extraterrestrial ship or something unknown. One of the facts that
surprises the most UFOs amateurs is that the witnesses statements can radically defer from the real nature of
the observation; they must think that the human brain is a mirror wich completely reflects what's in front of it,
ignoring the usual processes of perception, fixture, remembrance and interpretation of any stimulus.
Certain proportion offers similar characteristics to some processes of atmospheric ionization not totally
explained. Some of this cases describe bright spherical forms, with vivid colours that move fast or remain
static. They may have a size that oscillate from the one of a tennis ball to the one of a football without
excluding bigger ones, and may suddenly disappear after a loud explosion or silently. These phenomenons
are associated with storms but also can be produced with good weather. Some investigators have found
significant correlations between this kind of lighten phenomenons and the zones that suffer earthquakes.
One of the most traditional hypothesis round about UFOs is the extraterrestrial one. The space era and
biologic speculations fomented the posibility of at least a little part of the UFO cases could be genuine
spaceships with the labour of recognition or investigation of the planet Earth. The hypothesis of existance
of extraterrestrial civilizations is a contemplated and valued posibility for the international scientific
community. But for the amateurs the problem is that does not exist one single proof that in any occasion
an hypothetic ship in this solar system had approached to our planet, no matter how much the preachers
of the "extraterrestrial reality" vociferate.
We should have in mind that in the UFO enigma we count in most cases with narrations of an observation
and it is precisely this raw material where UFO'sreports are fed from. These are habitually collected by the
pres or by the investigators theirselves, and must be valued in its correct measure, without giving them an
absolute confidence. Once we have the testimony in our hands and once we had investigated its social and
family environment if it is possible, the interest must be lead to objetive information and prooves. In order to
achieve this, there will have to be done the necessary consultations to the pertinent organizations in order
to get information that confirms or not the statement of the witness or that assigns a trivial explanation of the
presumed abnormal observation.
Alien Links
The Sasquatch
For hundreds of years, many people have sighted a seven foot tall hairy giant living in the Northwestern
Cascade Mountains. Bigfoot researchers say Bigfoot lives in the wilderness of the mountains because it is very
easy for him to hide in the dense forest. He is said to be an omnivorous because he is most related to gorillas.
Researchers think he can eat meat because, like gorillas, he has a forehead ridge that can store the strong tendons
needed to chew meet. He is said to be very strong because reports of large objects being mysteriously moved
came up once in a while. Someone also reported a group of "bigfeet" throwing small boulders at their cabin in
the Cascade Mountains.
Most sightings report that he is on average, 7 feet hugh. A very common trace of bigfoot are his enormous
footprints. Most are 14-17 inches in length. What makes the fooprints so interesting is that they have dermal ridges
in them (like finger prints). Since these prints are so detailed and small, it would be very hard, if not
impossible, to fake these. The footprints do look alike.
These prints have not been proven authentic or fake though. The most famous footage of bigfoot was taken in
1967 at Bluff Creek. Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin were out horse riding when they saw a huge hairy giant
getting a drink from the river. Patterson quickly got out his camera and filmed the giant swiftly walk away from
him back into the woods. The famous "frame 352" shows the bigfoot turning towards the cameraman with its whole
upper body because, like gorillas, it doesn't have the same capacity of movement in its neck like humans do.
What makes this film so remarkable is that it has not been proven fake. It would have been impossible to mimick
the muscle movements seen beneath the skin and the long swift strides it took. Bigfoot prints were also found
at the site where this footage was taken. Luckily, with all of the interest in Bigfoot, some research organizations
are dedicated to find a real live Bigfoot.
Now, I know some people are thinking, "Yeah right, show me a Bigfoot and then, maybe, I'll believe". Well,
like in all Unsolved Mysteries, some won't believe in anything until they have a real proof. They think that
it would be impossible for anything to remain hidden for so long. Then how do you explain the discovery of
the thought to be extinct for 70 million years Coelacanth (a prehistoric fish) found alive and well in 1938. And
until recently discovered Okapi. We had no idea that these creatures existed until, whoops, there they were.
So why would it be impossible for a Bigfoot to hide in the large, dense forests of the Cascade Mountains?.
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