Weekly at this page you will find informative articles about specific science related subjects, and news about the international scientific world selected by the author. This week it is a notice about a suposed third type close encounter that shocked Brazil in January of 1996 because of its similarity with the Roswell Case occured in United States in the 40's decade. Alien, fraud or genetic manipulation?

El Caso Varginha

In the middle of the brasilian ufologic wave -that is prolonging from the middle of 1995- three teenagers from the city of Varginha (with a population of 100.000 inhabitants, located in the southeast of Minas Gerais) told, crying and visibly shocked before the Globo Network's television cameras, that they had seen a "horrible non human thing". Allways according to their declarations, the sisters Valquiria y Liliana da Silva (14 years old and 16 years old respectively , and their 22 years old friend Katia Xavier, observed a strange creature when they were returning to their homes shortcutting the way through an abandoned terrain close to a forest in a peripherical neighborhood of this city. "Bowed down, with the hands between the legs, and at a short distance", they clearly saw some kind of "man with very red big eyes, with very greasy brown skin, long arms and legs, and huge feet". The most impressive details of the description described a totally bald and unproportioned big head replete of very rebounded vains as varicose vains visible all over its body. In the upper part of the cranium it presented three protuberances with no more than five centimeters long. "At first that thing was a statue for me. Valquiria loose her voice, Katia got paralized and I thought she was going to faint, so I had to help her. After that I run away scared to death when I saw those huge red eyes staring at me", explained the older sister, Liliana Fátima da Silva. The case would have been terminated at this point -with the hasty runaway of the girls, a tale that would had sounded like a teenager's invention- if there weren't any other parallel news to this most extraordinary incident. The Varginha's ufologist and lawyer, Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues -internationally known on account of interventions like Baependí's Case-, prepared himself to follow more traces and sounded out some other rumors that corroborated the notice. Ubirajara declared that the creature he qualified as an "ET" was captured by the fire fighters of Varginha and so it was assured by some witnesses also, neighbors of the zone where the girls suffered the encounter. It was added the posibility that exists a video filmed by its captors to leave constancy of the operation. The mason Henrique José de Souza -that worked in a structure next to the fact's place- witnessed that January 20th afternoon a pompous and unusual deployment of the firemen, "that looked more like ready for a rescue operation". Souza dares to assure that the neighbors had seen the creature being carried by the firemen, though many of them "would make silence for fear", because in most part of the population has grounded the restlessness and the dread. But in a interview emited by Globo, the fire department's captain Alvarenga said that his group "has not been claimed to attend the rescue of an extraterrestrial, or nothing like that". Meanwhile, his superiors diffused an official document giving the lie to the public versions. Apparently, the army was also implicated. A soldier that preferred to keep himself anonymous in order to avoid reprisals said in a television program -with his voice distortioned not to be recognized- that he "had participated in the ET transfer operation from the Varginha's regional hospital where it was carried first by the fire fighters for a general examination". He also explained that they used two army trucks from the Tres Corações Weapons Sargeant School (city near Varginha), what seemed to indicate that something or someone was translated to the military base, maybe for its custody. This anonymous soldier described a creature of aproximately one meter and a half, with identical characteristics as the ones described by the three young girls. And added that the suposed extraterrestrial was put into a wooden box covered by a plastic bag, but the soldier did not want to explain if it was dead or alive. Neither detailed its final halting place. Another woman, that avoided to give her name, declared in the same television program that the Varginha regional hospital's porter had confirmed the entry of the strange creature and that it was being attended by a nurse. It was informed from Alfenas county, 80 kms away from Varginha, the presence of another person that said he had seen the creature. It treats of Antonio Candido de Morais, who compared it with "a monkey with a height of a meter and a half" and with the same face as the drawing (made based in the narration of the girls) that was showed to him. Meanwhile the Globo network was spreading out the reproduced robot portrait, the statement of Morais assured that "this non human creature did not have any mouth nor any nose", or "they were so small that he could not see them". Later it was discovered some data that, though adds more mistery to the story, could make compatible all the declarations of the interviewed witnesses: the captured aliens could be two at least, due to the declaration of other citizens that the ufologist Ubirajara considered meritorious of credit. Just like the citated mason's statemant, who assures was threatened by the fire fighters for declaring he had seen them "acting suspiciously" in the extraterrestrial (or extraterrestrials) appearance scenario. Al also appears some other information that could be related with the notice. In the city of Conselheiro Laffaiette (100 kms away from Varginha) are being observed many objects of unknown origin that enter and get out of the lake. In January the 17th, Eurico Rodriguez saw an UFO of metallic appearance, and with the size of "a bus", floating a meter off the ground in the road between Varginha and Tres Corações. In other cities of Minas Gerais there were also sighted at a distance similar phenomenons. The brazilian public opinion wonders, in the case that this creature was not an invention, ¿where are the creatures being hidden or kept?.

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