At 7.5.1937 construction work of the communication center started, at 24.5.1939 first testings of the installations were made; at 22.8.1939 the test operations changed to war conditions and the general staff Heer moved in the housing estate "Bunkersiedlung Maybach I". Until this time were spend 25-30 Million Reichsmark.
Zeppelin worked during the war. At 20.4.1945 it was abandoned, and thereafter it was used by the Sowjetarmy.
Zeppelin 1. floor |
Zeppelin 2. floor |
Map o. Zossen |
Gatehouse |
Steeldoor |





The area is to large, to describe it all. I recommend two
publications, unfortunately both in German language.
The first has many photos, and is a description of the
systems, in a magazine like After the Battle. Its called "Waffen-Arsenal",
Waffen und Fahrzeuge der Herre und Luftstreitkräfte,
Special Band 13, 24.80.- DM.
The second is a book, written by
Hans Georg Kampe
"Streng geheim; die Bunkeranlagen von Zossen"
You can get both at
Podzun-Pallas Verlag
61200 Wölfersheim-Berstadt