My Picture Page
Here are some pictures that I had laying around here. None are very recent. I hope that you enjoy them.
Family Pictures
Here is a shot of my family: Dad (James), Stepmom (Theresa), Me, and my two sisters (Michele and Jenny).
Here is a picture of my Mom (Kathy) and my Stepdad (Rick), this was taken at my Sister's wedding int he mountains of North Carolina.
This is my Mom's cat Jordan, I don't even like him that much.
Sailing Pictures
This is a picture on board good old 'chowder, it is Me, Jodi, and Jon.
This was taken after we won the Around Long Island Race for 1998. Lets see, people in this one: Jodi, Todd, Schmick, Aaron, Ryan, Me, Paul, Jon, Nat and Pete (aka Stinky).
Here I scanned in the picture on the 99 ALIR progam. Click on the small image to get the big one.
This was during our trip to California for the Lloyd Pheonix regatta. You can see: Jodi, Jon, John, Paul, Todd, and Me.
This is the U. S. Coast Guard Barque "Eagle". I actually got to sail on board her in the Summer of '96 in the Baltic Sea. This picture was taken as she was on her way into Portland, Maine.
Other Pictures
We went on a Carnival cruise for our spring break in '99. This is during an "Olympic Challenge"® That is Paul with the glass of milk, Me with the Yellow Bird, Mike with the Midori Sour, Todd with the coveted Blue Drink, and Ben with that red drink that always tastes like crap.
The four of us, Paul, Me, Mike and Todd, lived together for a few months after graduation (rarely at the same time) in a great house in Downtown Annapolis at 17 Cathedral Street.
My good friends Jon and Jodi got married in August of '99. Here is Todd, Me, Mike and John out on the dance floor, I think Y.M.C.A. was playing.
This is a great action shot of the garder belt entering the crowd of eager bachelors.
Here I am sitting on the steps of the Brownstone apartment in which I lived during my time in Troy, NY while attending RPI.
Thats all that I have for now. If you liked them or you have any others that you would like to see displayed here, drop me a line.
Head back to my
main page.
This page first assembled 03 May 2000, last modified 03 May 2000
Brien J. Croteau -