The classes...

I showed up to the U.S. Naval Academy on June 30,1995.

fall of 1995

   FP103  American Government 
   SM212P Calculus III 
   SC151  Modern Chemistry 
   NL102  Naval Leadership I 
   HE111  English II 
   PE101  Strength Conditioning 
spring of 1996

   SP211  Physics I
   SM212P Differential Equations
   HH104  Naval Heritage
   NS100  Naval Science I
   HE112  English II
   PE102  Swimming I

fall of 1996

   NN200  Navigation
   SP212  Physics II
   HH205  Western Civilizations I
   EM211  Statics
   SM239  Probability and Statistics
   SM312  Engineering Math III
   PE201  Swimming II

spring of 1997

   NE203  Ethics
   EM232  Dynamics
   EM319  Engineering Thermodynamics
   ES202  Introduction to Systems Engineering
   ES310  Principles of Naval Weapon Systems
   EE331  Electrical Engineering I (Cables)
   PE202  Wrestling and Boxing

fall of 1997

   NS310  Naval Tactics
   HH361  History of Asia
   EM318  Engineering Fluidynamics
   ES301  Computational Methods
   ES307  Linear Control Systems I
   EE332  Electrical Engineering II (Cables)
   PE301  Swimming III

spring of 1998

   NL302  Naval Leadership II
   HH362  History of Middle East
   SI220  Data Structures
   SM425  Advanced Scientific Computing
   ES302  Instruments and Applied Controls
   ES308  Linear Control Systems II
   PE324  Tennis

fall of 1998

   NL400  Law for the Junior Officer   
   EE426  Fundamentals of Electronic Instruments   
   ES401  Advanced Control Systems   
   ES413  Digital Control Systems   
   ES421  Digital Information Systems   
   ES430  Inroduction to Computer Engineering   
   PE419  Soccer

spring of 1999

   NS403  JO Practicum (Aviation)
   ES418  Modern Control Systems
   ES422  Analog Information Systems
   SM485Q Intoduction to Parallel Scientific Computing
   ES432  Microcomputers in Contol Systems
   ES402  Systems Engineering Design
   PE427  Golf

I Graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy on May 26,1999. Not being done with school yet, I am taking classes at RPI.

fall of 1999

   MATH-4200  Mathematical Anaylsis I
   ECSE-6400  Systems Anaylsis Techniques
   ECSE-6430  Optimization Methods
   CSCI-????  Introduction to LABView

spring of 2000

   ECSE-6420  Nonlinear Control
   ECSE-6440  Optimal Control
   ECSE-6270  Optoelectronics

fall of 2000

   ECSE-4670  Computer Communication Networks  
   ECSE-6460  Multivariable Control Systems

I finshed my Master's Degree work in December 2000. Here is a page about my thesis work. Next I moved to Pensacola, FL to start my training as a Naval Flight Officer

API (aka Aviation Preflight Indoctrination) Feb-Mar 2001

   Fundamentals of Aerodynamics
   Aviation Weather
   Aircraft Engines and Systems
   Air Navigation
   Flight Rules and Regulations
   Water Survival
   Joint Aerospace Physiology

Primary VT-10 Mar-July 2001

   T-34C Ground School
   Cockpit Procedure Trainers (CPT 1-3)
   T-34 Familiarization Flights (FAM 1-6X)
   Group 2B47 Instrument Simulators (TP 1-8)
   Basic Navigaton Simulators (OFT 1-4)
   Airway Navigation Flights (ANAV 1-6X)

Intermediate VT-10 July-Nov 2001

   Intermediate Ground School
   Intermediate Navigaton Simulators (OFT 5-9)
   Airway Navigation Flights (ANAV 7-16)
   Visual Navigation Flights (VNAV 1-3)
   Airway and Visual Navigation Checkflight (AVX-1X)
   Two Plane Formation Flights (FORM 1-2)
   Two Plane Visual Navigation Flight (VNAV-4)
   T-39 Ground School
   Airway Navigation Flights (ANAV 18-21)
   Visual Navigation Flights (VNAV 5-7) 
   Airway and Visual Navigation Checkflight (AVX-2X)

Advanced VT-186 Nov 2001 - Apr? 2002

   Advanced Ground School
   Emergency Procedures Simulator (RST-0)
   Airway Navigation Flights (AN 1-3X)
   Low Level Visual Navigation Flights (LL 1-3X)
   Radar Navigation Simulators (RST 1-4)
   Radar Navigation Flights (RN 1-4X)
   Combination Visual and Radar Navigation Flights ("Strikes" STK 1-3X)
   Composite Ground School
   Composite Strike Mission Simulators (CST 1-4)
   Composite Strike Mission Flights (COMP 1-4X)
   T-2C Ground School

My Class Pages

There are some pages that I put together mainly to keep track of the computer files that I have written for some of my classes.

As if you cared, back to the main page.

this page last modified 10 Feb 2002

Brien J. Croteau -