
I am glad to see that you have found my page.

I guess I can tell you a little about myself. My name is Brien Croteau. I'm 25 years old. In 1999, I graduated from the U. S. Naval Academy, where I was a Systems Engineering major. I spent most of my time with the Varsity Offshore Sailing Team. I was lucky enough to be allowed to go to graduate school to pursue a Master's Degree at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, in Troy, NY. Now I am attending Naval Flight Officer training in Pensacola, FL. Here are some of the classes that I have taken or will take soon. I was born and raised in Tallahassee, FL. Where I went to Lincoln High School. In my free time I like to play abstract games like: backgammon, pente, and chess. I enjoy playing soccer when ever I get the chance, but here in Pensacola I have been playing a lot of Rugby. I also play the guitar a bit.

 [alta] is my favorite search engine. Although Google is not that bad.

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this page was first conceived 20 April 96 and last modified 07 Jan 2002 -  [counter] people have been here.

Brien J. Croteau - brienc@yahoo.com

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