DESCRIPTION - A step by step guide for Creating Web Pages. An easy to follow step by step guide for Creating Web pages. Takes you step by step, giving sample HTML codes and examples of each to allow you to create a professional looking Home Web Page.
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Why I Decided To Do This?
Like everyone else, I was excited when I first decided to create my very own web
page. Not knowing very much about writing web pages and even less about HTML
coding, I decided to "surf" the web trying to gather as much information as I could. I
downloaded HTML Assistants, Web Page Writers, HTML Creation Tutors, just about
everything I could find on the topic. After spending hours on-line and even more time
printing out the reams of information I had gathered to read, I realized that there should
be something for those of us that just want to get started creating a simple web page.
There would be plenty of time after the first page was created to learn all the fancy
techniques and tricks. I didn't want to read through reams of literature and try to
understand all the in's and out's of HTML programming, I want to create my web page now.
I figured the best way to teach myself was to teach others while I was learning it myself. Thus the creating of the "Step by Step Guide For Creating your First Web Page"
What You Will Learn From This Guide
I will take you step by step through creating your first Web Page in easy to understand
steps. You'll find out what you need to create your web page, learn the basic
HTML markup coding needed to produce your first web page and I'll point you in the
direction of some of the more involved tutors that I have located. I'll also point you to
some files that will be useful to you when you want to get more complex in your web page
authoring. When you get done with this step by step method, you'll be able to create links
to other pages and other sites on the web, include how to use graphic images in your page
and how to do most of the basic items used in most web pages you see on the web. You'll
be able to create a professional web page in just a few short hours. See The Table of Contents to find out exactly what is included.
What Will Not Be Covered
Since there are some very good tutors for HTML markup coding on the web, I didn't see
any sense to include the more complicated steps such as Making
Clickable Image Maps. I did include some of the Netscape enhancements and some of the more popular features of HTML 3.0, but only to the point of getting you started. I'll leave HTML v3.0 for the more advanced users, however, I will direct you to these tutors after you have completed the basic steps and feel more comfortable with your first web page. Then if you decide you want to go further, by all means check out some of the other tutors and guides on the Internet.
created by Larry Curreri,
© 1996
last modified:
January 11, 2002