This page is dedicated to helping students sitting for their first examinations in Physics. It is mainly intended for students sitting for the University of London G.C.E. in Physics at ordinary level and those living in Malta sitting for the S.E.C.E. (matsec) examination in Physics at ordinary level.
This page is being published on an experimental basis. Those students who would like any help in solving questions from past papers of the University of London or Matsec examinations in Physics are asked to send an e-mail by clicking
and I will publish the answers and any help requested on the Answer Page .
(NOTE: If the question is a past paper question, students can simply quote the Session and Board of the examination, Paper number and question number; e.g. May 1996, London (or Matsec) , Paper 1, question 4).
The answers will remain there for approximately 2 weeks. These will be replaced by answers to more recent questions. Answers at the top will be those to the more recent questions. Older questions will appear at the bottom of the page. Access the answer page by clicking here.
You can also type in your question/difficulty in a special form found on my helpform page.
Go to helpform page by clicking here (this is just experimental it may not work for the moment!)
VERY IMPORTANT ADDITION (still being constructed) :
My UNITS & EQUATIONS PAGE , which is very useful for Physics students sitting for their ordinary level examination in the subject. Click HERE .
If you would like to look at the Physics Syllabus for State Secondary Schools (inluding Junior Lyceums click HERE
and then click on the appropriate part in the page you are referred to.
Copyright © 1996 Charles Sammut
This Home Page was created by WebEdit,
09 June 1996
Most recent revision 09 June 1996
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