W elcome to my little homepage. It is about time that I revised this place. It has been a few years. My name is really Brandon, but my friends affectionately call me Herb. Since 7th grade I have been deemed that by my friend Variant (www.shocking.com/~rayvd/). Teachers, parents, and students called me that through my high school years. It has now carried over into college where many people still refer to me as Herb. Click below to learn some more about who I am. I really enjoy flying and so, if you look around the page you can find pictures of our airplanes, etc. If you have comments, email me at: kearbr@wwc.edu |
There is still a lot to be done here. I have pictures of the planes on my computer. I need to set those up. The links don't work right now, But I am hoping to have this page working well soon. I should have quite a few pictures of the planes. Come back in a while. |
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