Bay's P/C Pictures
Bay's Gallery

None of these are mine. They have all been collected from various places on the web. If you find a bad link, two links to the same picture that I've missed, or have a picture you don't see here and would like to contribute it please let me know. I would be ever so grateful to anyone who sent in new pictures. Also, these are not in the best order, but I'll fix that as soon as I get time.

I've been having some troubles with FTP and such so this part of the page is a bit messy. I'm working on it but it'll take some time...which I don't have right now...just thought I'd warn you...don't make me put up one of those 'under construction' signs....

Patrick Stewart

Gates McFadden

Patrick and Gates

Jean-Luc Picard

Beverly Crusher

Jean-Luc and Beverly

Cast/Crew Shots

Insurrection Pictures

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