The Angel of Music

Welcome to my humble tribute to The Phantom of the Opera in all of its many forms!

The Phantom of the Opera is the wonderful story of a man the world could not understand, and a woman who became both transfixed with and horrified by him. It has always been a story that audiences have enjoyed, perhaps because it is such mystery. No one knows the true story of the man who once lived in the cellars of the Paris Opera House, but everyone loves to speculate. On this page, my first attempt at a website, I hope to explore all the different versions of the story, and put them in one place for phantom phans like myself to enjoy.

I've updated my website!!

Well, it's summer and I finally have time to work on my site again! Yea! Well, the only thing I've done so far is add another section to the "My Favorite Erik" section. You can read about (and see some great pictures of) my trip to see Michael Crawford in concert. Hopefully over the next couple of months I'll add some new phanfic, a few more sound clips, and more pictures. Meanwhile I'll be making small changes in various parts of my website, so keep checking!

To my fellow phans - I need your help to make this page better. If there's anything you feel that I missed, let me know. Tell me about your favorite Phantom or Christine. Send me your favorite phanfic, or the link to your favorite phantom-related website. Email me and let me know.

Here are the different sections of my website (you can also get to them at the bottom of the screen).

The Musical--This part of my page is devoted entirely to the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical version of The Phantom of the Opera, which is perhaps the most widely known version of the story. (Last Update: 6/11/00)

The Book--This section is about the orginal novel by Gaston Leroux that started it all. (Last Update: 10/16/99)

The Movies--This part is about the different movie versions, as well as the possibility of Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical moving to the silver screen. (Last Update: 10/16/99)

My Favorite Erik--Almost every phan has one particular actor that has played the phantom that they like better than the rest. Here's where you go to learn about my favorite. (Last Update: 6/11/00)

Phanfic--When phans get bored, they like to write stories about their favorite characters, and you'd be surprised at the talent that some of them have. Here are a few of my favorite stories, as well as some good phanfic sites to go to. (Last Update: 6/11/00)

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The Musical The Book The Movies My Favorite Erik Phanfic

Last Update: 6/11/00