Chiara's Song for Europe
Unofficial Webpage
The 43rd Eurovision Song Contest's winner is finally known. Israel came first with Dana International's Diva followed by United Kingdom's Imaani and MALTA with Chiara's "The One That I Love". Nobody expected our country would be fighting for the top honour till the very end but they did. All Maltese people's hearts were pounding as Macedonia read out its televoting points. Expectations grew and grew as more and more countries kept giving us points. But it was all agony and despair as Macedonia gave their 12 points to Croatia and ended our very realistic dreams of winning the Eurovision. It is perhaps astonishing that we should be disappointed with third placing but last night's drama not only erased quickly our expectations of a low place for our country but even made us firmly believe that we could land the top prize. It was a bittersweet experience for Chiara and her team but we are obviously elated with this result even if victory was extremely close in the end. Chiara was greeted with loud cheers from the numerous public present at the Malta International Airport soon after she landed in the early hours of Monday morning (12.15 am). Malta's previous best placing was in 1993 when Mary Spiteri also came third with "Little Child". However it was Chiara who obtained the highest number of points ever for our country - a staggering 166.
PHOTOS : Eurovision Song Festival, Chiara's arrival to Malta.
What you can do in this webpage (Press the grey buttons)
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Eurovision placings.
This page is created and maintained by Victor G.Axiak.
Here are some interesting pages to visit
: (1) Visit Geoff Harrison's Unofficial Eurovision Song Festival webpage. Bustling with all sorts of information it provides visitors with all they want to know about the festival. The page has received a couple of awards in the last year and indeed it is worth visiting. Updated regularly with latest news.(2) This is a similar unofficial Eurovision webpage. Euronet is the name of the page and its creator is Chris Melville. Another mammoth of a page. Don't ask ,
just follow this link.(3)
The MTV homepage. Well , I couldn't leave it out could I ?
REAL AUDIO webpage. From this site you can download the RealAudio program.
Personal Webpages
: (1) This is my Mediterranean Shark Watch homepage. Plenty of things to find in this website ranging from sighting reports to experiments and REAL AUDIO downloads of shark experiences as recounted by the victims themselves.
(2) This is
(3) This is my friend
Krowm's personal webpage. It's worth visiting if you really want to know better this person. Growing every minute.(4) This is my female boxer
'Pupa' 's personal homepage. My sister did everything she could to make this site worth visiting and by heaven it is GIGANTIC. One thing make sure you don't do ; don't dare let your dog anywhere near the screen if you really love your computer.Others I love to visit
: (1) CNN's webpage is one of the most impressive pages on the Net. Its updates are impressively quick. It's interesting to know that people work full-time on this page.(2)
Teamtalk's webpage.This is a must for English football enthusiasts. Updated a couple of times every day.(3)
Soccernet section. This is an excellent soccer news site.(4)
The Calciomercato page is the best page on the Net concerning football news and player transfers.This page is affiliated with Search Malta. Add your URL to this search engine.