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I HAVE GROWN...Aji Limon.... Black Cubans...Birds Eye... Bolivian Rainbow... Brown Congo...Capsicum Annum - Ethiopia... Capsicum Chinese - Peru - Yellow Fire... Capsicum Frutescens - Columbian... Carolina Cayenne... Cherry Bomb... Chocolate Beauty...Concha de Toro... Dedo de Moca...De Arbol... Fatalli... FQcayenne...Fluorescent Purple... Red Habanero... Orange Habanero...Hungarian paprika...LilDipper...Rooster Spur... Scotch Bonnet.... Super Chili... Giant Thai... Mansana... Mirasol.... Peter Pepper.... Poblano...Pueblo... Rooster Spur.... Super Chile... Southwest Chilie.... Texas Tepins... YolYol.... Yatsafusa....Yellow Fire... Yelo Squash...and a few more!!!

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ALIVE & SIZZLING from New Orleans!!!

where passion is HOT and da daze iz looooong...

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Rose's Hungarian Hot Wax & French Quarter Cayennes

I'm Rosemary Basil! You may know me from my City Jungles webpage, ContainerGardening Egroup, webpages, Yahoo clubs or some 45 yahoogroup lists now. You may also know me as FQpepper. FQ stands for French Quarter and it's located down in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. It is the oldest, hystorical, hysterical part of the city. I grow my FQ peppers on a balcony there above the music and dancin in the streets and they are the sweetest, spiciest, and HOTTEST you can find! How do they get that way? Long HOT summers, plenty of humidity, and live music in the streets! But you can do it too!

Peppers are so decorative as you can see from my photos. (The pic above won 3rd place in Burpee's 1998 photo contest.) I love taking their pix and they are the best subjects except when it's windy. Mist them with water or diluted Miracle Gro for a fresh look. Early mornings and dusk are best but nightime photos can be dramatic. Visit my galleries to see my garden pix. Peppers are the best! They come in all kinds of shapes and sizes and colors from ivory to yellow to chartreuse to hunter green, chocolate, and purple, often on the very same plant!
They look great in the garden next to your heirlooms, perennials,vines and tropicals. Hang them in baskets and windowboxes for easy access and color.
There are billions of ways to use peppers. Stuff them,fry them, add them to soups, stews, and salads.Grind them for chile powder or flakes or make hot sause. You can use what you don't eat to craft ristras (peppers strung together to hang and dry) and wreaths. I am working on a page of recipes with links to cooking pages and a peppers arts and crafts page. If you have any suggestions, let me know.

Peppers grow great in pots in areas with shorter growing seasons because you can move them in when it is too cool or move them where the sun is the sunniest. Start the seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before your last frost. Then gradually expose them to the outdoors (called hardening off.) Go here for more seed starting info. Peppers have such shallow root systems, they don't need huge deep pots. I grow many in 2 liter soda bottles and gallon milk jugs. You have to keep replenishing the soil and water frequently the smaller the pot so it's not for everybody but it works for me. They like miracle grow, eggshells, banana leaves, and coffee grounds plus a misting of fish emulsion every month during spring and summer. Of course, my plants get the exposure to street musicians and Mardi Gras. As an ethnomusicologist, I recommend plenty of music while you garden! Maybe it's just because you will spend more time tending your garden, plants seem to like it. Blues and rockabilly, Flamenco, Salsa, preferably anything ROOTS or LATINO. Rolling Stones & of course, RHCP. Sinatra during cocktail hour...Josie Kreuzer ANYTIME!!!

Are you new to pepper growing or a veteran with info to share or seeds to trade? JOIN my two free PEPPERS clubs:
JOIN my gardening lists too! PEPPERS mailing/discussion listfor pepper growers, ContainerGardening, for container gardeners.


The first thing you will want to decide is what kind of peppers you want to grow. How HOT or sweeeeet do you like them and what will you be doing with them?
l.) HEAT
Pepper heat is measured in SCOVILLE units.
For a list of peppers and their heat click here:
Then you will want to add to or check out and Seed Sources.
for links to online nursery websites, catalogues, and other resources.

HOT Saucesssss CENTRAL...Collect hot sauses, discover other hot places, See the hottest in hot sause,salsa, marinades... get links to many hot sauce webpages.

I will share my garden with you thru photographs and a pepper journal so ...BOOKMARK NOW so you can check back for new photos and see how my pepper garden is growing!

For a complete list of what peppers I'm growing this year in containers go here.
March 7, 1999... Mardi Gras is over & SPRING IS COMING!!!! Our temps have been erratic with La Nina- 82 dropped to 62 this week again. Too early to plant seeds outdoors so I had started some inside 10 days ago. I'm real excited about this year's pepper garden! My first red habaneros have peeked their tiny heads up after less than a week. I received the seeds from fellow PEPPERS clubmember, Steve Black in S. Carolina. Steve grows 35 different kinds of peppers and has been kind enough to share some of his seeds. He also makes a mean hot sauce he calls "Bluz Juice" and "Bluz powder" chili powder. I have been sprinklin the juice on Zap's potato chips all weekend, YUM! THANX Steve, darlin! :)

March 11, 1999...A survey of the garden showed me my perennial peppers are doing great! Several green poblanos and at least one lonely RED HOT Cayenne, a first for me in March! A definitely good omen for a great pepper growing season! BTW, peppers are only annual when the temps and lighting don't keep them alive.

March 12, 1999...Planted ALL my 13 varieties of seeds. Brown Congo, Aji Limon, Super Chile,Carolina Cayenne, Giant Thai, Rooster Spur, Scotch Bonnet, Peter, Red and Orange Habaneros, Yatsafusa, Southwest Chile, Yellow Squash...
I planted the seeds in Jiffy Mix ($3 from Ferry Morse Seeds) in egg cartons and styrofoam coffee cups with holes poked in the bottoms. You want a light soil less mixture that has peat moss, perlite, vermiculite, check your local garden center. The key is to keep the seeds warm and moist in a well drained medium (not soggy) while they germinate.(see my GROW CRAZY page).I have an old aquarium with a fluorescent light. Some people use heating pads and commercial warming trays. Altho I do also have a mini heated greenhouse I got from Burpee for $25, but because it's been 60's in the daytime, I mainly need light, these are in the aquarium for now. I have them raised up, closer to the light source on 8 pack cartons. I like to garden on a shoestring, recycle whenever possible and love the challenge! Look around your kitchen. Plastic mushroom containers, take out food bins with covers, sour cream and margarine tubs...There are endless disposable things to use- just be sure they have adequate drainage.

March 13, 1999...I planted some birds eye peppers today from lister, Pam. Thanx, Pam! Then waited for the St. Joseph parade dedicated to Joe Dimaggio but it was a rain out. The temps are supposed to drop to 40's again tomorrow so I checked the temp in the "AquaHouse" and it's 80 degrees, As peppers like to germinate at that temp I decided I dind't have to do anything but watch them, have some tequila, and post on the list.
March 14, 1999...

The Aquahouse was registering 60 degrees this am. so I'll have to heat it somehow tonite. Seems that when the light goes out the temp drops significantly. Peppers like warmer temps to germinate.
Go ahead--click on the pic and see it up close :)
I picked this lonely cayenne last nite, I was soo excited, I scanned it in, it's a first for me having hot peppers produce yearround. This plant is in a windowbox and 2 years old, about 4' tall and almost as wide. It is actually a small tree. I had to bring it indoors 3 times- Sept.'s hurricane and 2 freezes last month, but it is still producing peppers! Scuse me for braggin, I'm just soo excited! Of course it's supposed to get to 40 tonite again :(
I just planted some pepper seeds I had from Iwo Jima. Anybody out there know aything about these pods from the Volcano Islands, Japan? They're small, about 1/2" long. They're some 9 years old, so wish me luck!

March 15, 1999...Beware the Ides of March, peppers! You may be fooled into thinking spring has sprung when you get a northerly blast! That's what's going on in Nawlins- dipped to 44 last night and cooler tonite. I put a heating pad over the AquaHouse on low and maintained a temp of 78, better push it up a tad tonite.
Just came in from removing the plastic shower curtains and sheets I had covered my cayennes with as the sun's shining bright, it's 60 and I wouldn't want them to burn. You have to be careful not to break the delicate branches but if you do, did you know you can start a new plant? Just remove all but a few leaves and dip it into Rootone, a growth hormone available at most nurseries for about $6 and it lasts forever.You don't use much, shake off excess. Take a pencil and make a hole. Stick it in, moisten and put it in a plastic bag out of direct sunlight. Keep moist and if you're lucky it will take root! You can do this with just about anything including roses.

March 17, 1999 HAPPY ST PAT'S!!!I'm sooo excited!!!! I have some Irish peppers today!!! They're wearin the green too. :) Aji limon, peter, Carolina cayenne, super chile, giant thai & yatsafusa have popped their heads up after germination 5 days at 80 degrees. That was the same as my red habs.

May your peppers be hot and sweet and the wind be at your back...

Irish garden Blessing

May you have
No frost on your Spuds
No Worms on your Cabbage
May your Goat give Plenty of Milk
If you inherit a Donkey, may she be in foal.

Happy St. Pat's from Rosemary Basil & her Tequila Chilehead Teddy!

March 18, 1999...My orange habs and Yelo Squash have sprouted after 5 days. That means only the SW chile and the Scotch Bonnets haven't germinated!

March 19. 1999...The Scotch Bonnets have sprouted today! I also received some rocoto seeds from Steve and planted them.
Beginning to think of my stratedy for planting these outdoors... I've lost count of how many plants I have but think I will grow 3 of each if I'm lucky.This way, if anything befalls one of them (or two) I'll have another. I find it interesting to see what kind of plants they will be in habit and fruit. Can't wait!

March 20. 1999...First day of Spring and all the peppers are snappy. (all germinated in 6 days except the SW Chile). It was 80 degrees today so I pruned the perennial peppers in the garden and moved some of them into more diect sun. I had them sheltered under trees and tables during the cold snap. Supposedly the last freeze date for my area is April 1 and that's not far away.

March 30, 1999... 3.26 inches of rain today, I think the plants outside are happy, we've been in a drought for this area this year...
Not much to tell about my new seedlings in the last ten days without getting fanatical, everything has sprouted and some have gotten their second set of leaves. Waiting for more potting soil- ordered tomato start- from Burpee, then I will transplant them into my milk jugs. I suppose some of these potting mixtures are available thru Walmart or Home Depot. Sorry none are in The French Quarter, just tee-shirt shops. Now if you can figure out how to recyle those tee-shirts into a good quality potting mix, let me know!
March 31, 1999... Just came in from an evening of gardening to the blue moon. It's rare we get 2 full moons in a month and it feels energizing somehow. I fixed all my garden lights, potted some new herbs- lavender, lemon grass,oregano, peppermint, and my baby basils into hanging thangs just outside the door. The winter was hard on this antebellum building- the ole ristra haven wooden screendoor fell off- LOL I don't know if I'll put it back or use it for a dressing room tourist screen indoors and leave the French doors bare to open, easier to lug my water jugs and hose out the door...Besides it gives me more room to hang herbs on the doors, hard to explain. When I get my strawberries they'll hang off those shutters too. It's so much easier to grab food things when you're half dressed and the tourists are gawking from the cafe. :) The Cayennes are loaded with blossoms, maybe misting with that epsom salts helped! I haven't picked the poblanos yet cos my camera is in repair and I want to get pix! :) I also divided some cannas and moved my raspberry bushes closer so I can watch them. I put the new moonflowers and runner beans up ready to grab the trellises. The baby tomato and pepper plants average around 2" and are still in the terrarium indoors, waiting for my Burpee tomato start to transplant them and warmer weather (evenings still have been into 50's when the wind shifts from south to north) I picked my first watermelon of the season too and will serve it at Easter dinner. did ya know it's past midnite, that makes it April 1st.... heheheheheh


April 3, 1999...Many of you are asking for cures to aphids this time of year. I want to address this briefly here. I make a "VOODOO GARDEN BLESSING MIST" out of peppers, soap an oil, H20 and garlic...Then do this:
Proceed with caution and make sure the neighbors aren't watching. disclaimer: I'm not responsible for what happens if they are! :) ya ready?
Jambali, crawfish pie, file gumbo
Peppers make my tummy rumble
With this mist APHIDS be gone
CHILES grow big n strong!
Habs, birds, cayenne, poblano
Voodoo, hoodoo, hasta manano
Jalapeno, tabasco, bell
All bad bugs can go to HELL
BOOM-chacka-lacka, BOOM-chacka-lacka BOOM!!!!!!
(oh forgot to mention- you hafta play Hank Williams (Sr) or Dr. John and dance while you are using da mist!)
You can substitute the word APHIDS or others pests and add pepper names but in no way change the last line!
Buena Suerte Amigos!
Rosalita da Voodoo Queen

April 5, 1999...Happy Dingus Day! It was a big day today in my garden. I transplanted most all of my baby pepper plants to small pots-4-6" plus some in qt. and gall. milk jugs with the top cut off at an angle leaving just the handle to hang if desired. I left them outside out of direct sunlight and winds. It was about 80 gegrees and overcast so I left them out til dark but decided to bring them in overnite.
I also planted some more seeds- Bolivian Rainbow! "Bolivian Rainbow- Tear-drop shaped hot peppers with a spicy taste. They turn from purple to yellow to orange and then red. The everbearing plant has green leaves with purple veins. "
"Fluorescent Purple Pepper-Mother nature got fancy when she created this incredible work of art. The leaves on this plant are sensational fluorescent purple and white. It is absolutely the most breathtaking foliage. But there is more. The fluorescent purple and white foliage is surrounded by little hot dynamos that turn from green, to purple, then to red when ripe. Easy to germinate, transplant and grow."
Then I planted some Fatalli and some Mirasol. Do you think I've gone pepper crazy??? Don't answer that! LOL

April 9-11, 1999...Spent the weekend planting more seeds, outdoors but still in starter cups so I could watch them closer while they germinate and keep them protected from the elements and predators. Planted Mirasol, de arbol, Texas tepins, Black Cubans, Yellow Fire, gosh...what else?! I think I listed everything on the MYPEPPERS page.
April 17, 1999...the temps took another dip and the winds picked up as a late front moved thru. Snow up north! Here, lows in the 50's at night, high 60's day. I brought the real little ones inside overnight and sheltered the young 2" plants with a shower curtain the first night and removed it promptly the next morning before the sun could parch them. Everything looks good except the seeds I planted indoors are taking longer to germinate as the heat's not on and the nightime temps are lower. Mirasol aand fatalli sprouted tho.

April 23, 1999... Jazz Fest begins and my peppers are still sprouting. Getting hard to keep track! I may be doing more than I can handle but it's good FUN! Thank you to everyone who sent me seeds, if I was supposed to send you some and missed you, please let me know. It hit 88 today and promise to be another long hot summer, perfect pepper weather! I painted a few more pots this week and built a webpage about it.I am out of pots and soil and will need to get some soon. Visit my new PEPPERPOTS page if you're interested in an offer I'm making or just want to get some more tips on container growing.
May 4, 1999... Spent last 2 Jazz Fest weekends listening to live radio broadcast while potting peppers and strawberries. They will be some of the hottest and sweetest plants around because of it, LOL. Garden mascot, Tequila "Chile" TED has been watching over them. See their first baby pix I just got back!

May 5, 1999 Happy Cinco De Mayo!!! Muchas margaritas, musica, y cervesas por favor! Todos los chiles y una gringa loca en Nueva Orleans dice, No te preocupes se feliz!
May 11, 1999...finally getting some heavy rain storms. I always watch the tiny plants so they don't get flooded away. I tuck the pots under tables and things. In the ground you can cap them with cut off milk jugs or 2 liter soda bottles. Some people do this for bird problems too. Here is a cool link to my French Quarter weather page. You can see yours too at the map. Also see my PinPoint Doppler

June 21, 1999 First Day of Summer- Already!!! Peppers are poppin- the earliest ones to set peppers are my Peters :) and Yats, some mystery ones (ok the markers fell off I'm not Martha Stewart here)...Many others are loaded with blossoms but the habs are slooooooooow!

September 18,1999...WOW it was a loooong HOT summer and a busy one at that! What's new? Well harvesting many, many peppers, still trying to ID some, (where do thsoe markers always disappear to?) Here are two pix that are worth 2000 words I guess:
See some of my July peppers and my August peppers
SEE my updated Recipe page for ideas on what to do with your harvest!

December 99- a great year for peppers it was and I am still harvesting red and green balcony bells for Christmas, some cayennes and ajis. The habaneros at last! Look Here.
Spring 2000- I have overwintered several plants. We only had 3 freezes and I brought them in. Sadly I lost my 3 year old poblano and one of the old cayennes. But 2 cayennes are still with me and many black leaved varoieties and black peppers, many purrira, and some unknown til they leaf out. A word of advice: Don't rush to throw them out when they play dead, they often leaf out!!

Before you go, take a moment to think about the JOY of gardening, whether you do it on acres and acres or have a few houseplants on your windowsill. When you plant something you have the joy of watching it grow and change. It is up to you to nurture and help the seedling (or plant) reach maturity. TO GARDEN IS TO BELIEVE IN TOMORROW! It is full of hope and makes you realize how precious life is. It is FUN! So RELAX and approach it with a sense of humor and be prepared for surprises and miracles! If you know any kids or elderly folks, share it with them. My mama died last summer. She was ill and frail those last years and lived 1000 miles away. We never had very much to to say to each other until I gardened. Her memories of every plant she ever grew amazed me, and when I planted similar flowers, she enjoyed the pictures I sent and conversations we had. She had given me a rubber tree withonly one leaf on it, back in the 70's. I nurtured it and eevn moved it down to Nawlins where it became an outdoor plant. Still in a pot, it is about 10' feet tall and 4' wide and has multiplied! Now I'm glad I still have it. I know many people with memorial gardens to loved ones. This is a beautiful thing.
Today, with the magic of the internet, everybody can trade ideas, seeds and pix from far and away, meeting new and wonderful gardening friends. So, share the joy of gardening!!!

(left)"VOODOO GARDEN BLESSING MIST" & Hungarian Hot Wax...
My mama's rubber tree (right)

Stay sweet, hot n spicy...grow peppers!!!

thanx for stoppin by, y'all come back now ya hear?!

"The more things change, the more they stay the same." LOL
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Here's a Guinness or Barq's for your troubles...

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Rose and Rockabilly Gal, Josie Kreuzer, March 98, in the garden. Visit Josie's webpage.
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pepperheads since 3/12/99...
The background is a photo I took of a French Quarter sunset over Bourbon Street from my garden.

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