Miss Issy's Inn ~ Guest List

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Miss Issy's Hospitality House

Guest List

Hope to see YOUR name among the guests of Miss Issy's Inn!
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roberta - 11/18/00 21:26:09
My Email:grambert3@juno.com
How did you find The Hospitality House?: thumbing through post cards
Did you enjoy your stay?: so far
Which Suite did you enjoy the most?: still looking, I have hundreds of cards and just getting into seeing what others have.
Where are you from?: washington

I have had my cards in storage for years. Some of them date back to the turn of the century also. I also have alot of the old black and whites and the color 1930's era. the comic ones..

larry - 11/18/00 21:22:50
My Email:lbjfox@webtv.net
How did you find The Hospitality House?: search

none yet

barbara - 09/23/00 16:55:01
My URL:http://webtv.net
My Email:webmom_2000@webtv.net
How did you find The Hospitality House?: surfin
Did you enjoy your stay?: yes
Which Suite did you enjoy the most?: antiques
Where are you from?: united states


Miss Issy - 08/19/00 14:06:46
My URL:/issymissy/
My Email:Argentinum@aol.com
How did you find The Hospitality House?: I made it!
Did you enjoy your stay?: Why, certainly my dear....
Which Suite did you enjoy the most?: All of them
Where are you from?: Heaven, originally....

Just testing the guest book to make sure it's working properly...

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