The Taylor line intermingles with the Penn line in several places. This page is mostly regarding the Taylors and you will find more Penn information on the Penn page.
We have 2 distinct lines of Taylors: Mine goes back to the 15th century and Baron Taillefer, whose son was Hanzer Taylefer, whose son anglecized the name to Taylor. Move forward a few centuries to James Taylor of Caroline who was born in Carlisle England and died in King and Queen Co, Virginia in 1698. James married Frances Walker and they had 3 children and were the grandparents of Zachary Taylor, President of the United States. After Frances died in 1680, James married Mary Bishop Gregory and had 6 more children. Amongst the descendents of this line is John Penn who signed the Declaration of Independence.
One of James and Mary's sons was Edmond Taylor who married Sarah Booking and their son James Taylor was born in 1732 in New Kent Co., VA and married Elenor Smith. James and Elenor had 8 children.
David Taylor was born in 1775 and married Nancy Penn, Feb 8, 1800 and settled in Patrick Co., VA. David and Nancy had 5 children, Mariah, Jefferson, Caroline, Anderson Lafayette, and Mariah.
Anderson Lafayette married Nancy Canaday and had 11 children. They migrated from Virginia to Marshall Co., TN in 1842 and Nancy's story can be found on the Canaday page. Their daughter Martha Jane Taylor married Watterson Knox Polk Ownby in 1873 on the same day their son Jefferson Lafayette Taylor married Elizabeth Nancy Ownby. Martha Jane and Watt settled in Kentucky Town, Grayson Co., Texas in 1883 and Jeff and Lizzie settled a few miles away in Pilot Grove, TX.

James and Jefferson Taylor about 1927

Elizabeth Nancy Ownby Taylor and her grandaughter about 1914

The other line of Taylors has not been connected to James of Caroline yet. It begins with Theophilus Taylor who is believed to have been born in 1759 in Virginia and died in 1845 in Habersham Ceorgia. 2 of his daughters married unknown Holcombs and his grandson Jeremiah Taylor Jr married Charlotte Holcomb in 1811 in Franklin Co., Georgia.
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