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The Coconut Island Web!


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I'd like to think that everyone is a Jimmy Buffett fan, but that would just be one big bubble, waitin' on the next explosion.  A buddy of mine had a war story about a certain someone, and nowhere to write it down.  'Course, bein me, I just had to give him a place to vent.  Got somethin' bout someone who thinks Jimmy's music is obscene and nasty?  Let the world hear it.  It's cheaper than therapy!  You know I was talkin to my good buddy Snake the other day......

All Midi's heard on these pages courtesy of Redsal

Welcome, welcome, welcome all!  While you're in the middle of this Parrothead Madness, try on this hawaiian shirt, and let yourself go, mango!

After witnessing my Lovely Lady, Leigh Ann, soon to be my Beautiful wife, do all of the homework for her Microbiology, Chemistry, Anatomy and Physics, all I really know is MATH SUCKS!  I'm not sure how she manages with all of those classes, taking care of our 1& 1/2 yr. old, Sean, the house, AND me...She's a mermaid in the night.......

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JJ Flash

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Sure am PROUD of my sis, Linda Long.  Her and her hubby, Scott have added their newest family member to our geneological line of royalty!  Follow the rhino!

Few bands ever emerge from behind the Jimmy Buffett shadow as Key West the band has.  They have been together for a few years, now, and continually amaze me with their originality.  A new album is out and available through Amazon.com, so look into that, and if you're down along the gulf coast,  keep an eye out for them.

Everyone begs ya to sign their guest book.  I won't.  The way I see it, if you are impressed enough, or can relate to what's here, you'll want to anyway.  Ambivilant?  Well, yes and no.  Therapy's extremely espensive, poppin' bubble wrap is radically cheap.  You choose which one helps with your problem, I'm gonna get some sleep.

I've done a bit of surfin', and came up with a few spots to hit where the waves are kind.  Follow the shark...

American Deck & Landscape

Making your deck and landscape turn out enjoyable for EVERY member of your family, for 10 years running

Here's your chance to squawk at me.  Let me know if it amused, or confused, no matter how abused  you feel.  Just click on ole' Red, the "get on your nerves at the Guadalupe River" parrot to E-Mail me.  Remember:  You can lead a horse to water, but you have to be strong and determined to drown the damn thing in it.

Coronas, hic, left in the cooler
(we may need some help!)

Here's my little FPH! (Future Parrot(t) Head)  He's 19 months old today!  Sean Patrick Harrington  grew up (the early months) listening to Buffett.  We would swing him in his wind up swing (30 min. babysitter) and turn on the Parakeet album!  Well, now, he's a handful, if you can imagine!  Every time he hears Buffett, or any  music, boy he stops what he's getting into, and just starts moveing!  Bouncing, and dancing around, like the music is the best thing in life!  He loves it!  So outgoing, friendly, full of energy!  We have people over all the time, and he's just got to be the center of it all!  Time for someone to go?  He grabs his "boots" and he's ready too!  He loves people, he's not shy at all!  Could it be that he's a Leo?  Gotta be the Buffett!


"I've seen incredible things in 31 years
some days were laughter, others are tears.
If I had it ALL to do over again,
I'd just get myself DRUNK and I'd jump RIGHT BACK IN!"   
                 Sail on, sail on.........

"Every NORMAL man, at least once in his life, has been tempted to spit in his hands, grab the rope, hoist the black flag, and start slittin' some throats!"

Updated: 2/11/2000

Feelin Brainy?  How about a bit of Buffett trivia?