This page is dedicated
to some of the most
wonderful people in the world,
my friends.
These are the friends
that I have come to
cherish and love deeply.
These are the people
that will be in my life forever.


True Friends are Forever:
True Friends are a mirror to the soul,
for they understand the voice of the heart.

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My best friend, Mike

My roomie,
Sorority sister,
good friend Kristy

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Meg, Dan, Me and Krys

My best friend,  Megan

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Me, Mike and Shelli

"A friend loves at all times"
Proverbs 17:17

True Friends

There are many people
that we meet in our lives
but only a very few
will make a lasting impression
on our minds and hearts
It is these people that we will
think of often
and who will always remain
important to us
as true friends

Thanks for everything,
I love y'all.



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