'DA HOUSE with BadHabits

BadHabits AKA WAW_Beignet
Welcome to "On 'Da House with BadHabits"!
(OLD ISSUES can be
found under Old Trailmix and The Archives)
September 2, 2000

Photogenic Isn't She??? :)
Lots happening here lately, which is one of the reasons (besides pure laziness :) that
I haven't posted lately. In fact, I was thinking of actually taking down the webpage
and going off the Internet for good. Posting lately or being online at all... has
been more of a chore than a pleasure recently. I guess I really am just a bit burnt
So I've been spending my time
lately.. trying to get healthier, get a balance in my life and trying to improve myself in
areas I know I need work in (spiritually
is one).
I've had some areas in my life lately
that have been really challenging. I've just not had the patience or the
optimism I've always had. So... right now I'm trying to get back to looking at the
good side of things instead of being upset by all the bad things in my life
So... in a spirit of starting anew...
you'll find all the old stuff on the "old trailmix" section :).
Ok... enuff seriousness for a day. Except
I'd like to thank those of you who took the time to write such encouraging comments in my
guestbook.. that made a HUGE difference in deciding not to take down the webpage :)