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Hi, My name is Marv
I signed up on 01/09/99 08:19:03 and have started moving in.

My interests are:
Genealogy, Baseball, Blues and Jazz!

From The Hamster Dance
The description of my page is:
Genealogy Plus


E-mail me at marv@mindsync.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.


Genealogy Links

"Our FAMILY Genealogy"

Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet

"The DENTON Family Genealogy Page"


Baseball Links

"Kansas City Royals"

"George Brett"

"Sammy Sosa"

"Damion Easley"

Schools and Universities

"Kansas State University"

"Dodge City Community College"

"Meade High School"

Jazz Links

"Sacramento Jazz Jubilee"

"Kid Ory" The Greatest!!

"New Orleans Legends" Jazz, styles.

"Jelly Roll Morton" The King..

Assorted Dixieland, Blues, Rags and other old favorites

"Ostrich Walk" A 1917 Hit

"23 Hours Blues"Original by Herb Harari

"BomBoogie" Sent in by Paulo of Budapest, Hungary

"Jada Swing" A catchy favorite.

"The songs immediately above as well as Amringer's "Blues for Dr. John" playing on this page are from Herb Harari, a grand musician and retired professor.

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